What is going on with damage

Big fan of your vids man, you learned me to play Assa decently.

Could you explain to us ordinary mortals how the new Sub burst works out like that? I legit also thought it was a bug and haven’t dared to try it over the other two specs out of fear of getting ban-hammered lol

Sorry for the light fan-gasm.

It’s more or less some absurd modifier stacking.

Basically you want to have ramped up Flagellation, you want Badge, Orc racial if applicable, Dance, Shadow Blades, as many stacks of Danse Macabre as possible (5-7 is achievable), Finality ready, the talent that makes the next Evsicerate deal 15% more damage after Symbols in the Deathstalker tree, the ultimate talent of the Deathstalker tree ready (so, next Evis is autocrit and deals 20% more damage), and the new Supercharger talent + the one below it that buffs it.

Then you find yourself in a situation with:

  • Badge
  • Flagellation bonus Mastery
  • lets say 5 stacks of Danse Macabre so 20% bonus damage (stacks are nerfed in PvP and worth 4% not 6)
  • Dark Shadow for another 20% (it’s not 30, nerfed in PvP)
  • Finality for another 15% to Eviscerate
  • Symbols for another 21% (the new talent in the Sub tree makes it gain bonus damage)
  • Symbolic Victory for another 15% to Eviscerate
  • Darkest Night for another 20% (nerfed in PvP, it’s 60 otherwise) to Eviscerate as well as the autocrit
  • Supercharger that makes this 7 CP Eviscerate you’re going to use be worth 10 CPs, which is basically 100% bonus damage compared to a normal 5CP Evis
  • Shadowblades dealing 20% of the incoming hit

Also, obviously, you have the must-pick talents that buff Eviscerate like both stratagems, Shadowed Finishers etc, but that’s obvious.

And if you feel extra fun you can play DfA for an extra 15%, in case you lack modifiers.

Than amounts to an extremely big hit and the longest required CD is blades with what, 1min15 CD or so with the honor talent to reduce it ? So, yeah.

For simplicty, EXCLUDING Badge and Flagellation because they are inconvenient to quantify - which are a significant damage boost - all these modifiers put together are the same as a bit more than 13x Eviscerate with 5CPs and none of these buffs (again excluding Badge and Flagellation). Thirteen. In one attack.


That makes sense, that’s a lot of stars to align though.

Thank you for taking the time to explain it, I’m probably still gonna be playing Cracklaw/Assa over it, Sub is too high IQ for my buttocks lol.

ty for the explanation, so the Devs removed 1 stupid thing, and added a other stupid thing instead

WoW’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Patch feels like a untested Beta, it´s just not only Rogue, i have never seen a worse Mid season patch than this, besides of the Ret rework

feels like they have not a Single Qa tester in the Team anymore

i have heard, that Adrenaline rush breaks stealth too, and about the Stealth break “bug” it´s not just Rogue, Feral/druid have the Same, it´s most likely because of the Hero Talents from other classes like Warlock (still not fixed)

Tell that to demo lock, your imps keep you in combat, half of your demons and no hero talent abilities doesn’t generate shields for you, your demons sometimes doesn’t inherit your versatility on spawn. Your demonic gateways may not spawn on the straight ground.

The AR stealth break is in Fatebound, because it will now cast both coins from using AR instead of the next finisher. Yeah it’s extremely feelbad.

General stealth bug is from palas/locks having 100 yard auras that targets us, but doesn’t do anything else besides pull you out of stealth. Also really feelbad.

Yeah, the amount of bugs is absolutely insane.

This “bug” is 10+ years old. I assume it’s a feature.

Random stealth drops appeared in DF and being constant entire expansion
Didn’t remember that it was the issue before. Even on hunter, now, I drop stealth for no reason, when nobody targets me

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