What is going on with Priests? Class Designer needs firing!

rather take that than this boring shadow trash system would make it fit with the mind bender play style more.

We got [Shadowy Apparitions] and that is funnier to apply than shadow trash and trash bolt :stuck_out_tongue:

I think blizzard can work it in to make Mind blast applie [Shadowy Apparitions] and [Idol of C’Thun] along with VT they can nerf PL down to 7% tbh

Then make [Twins of the Sun Priestess] applie automattically to 5 people in the party instead of you having to target them then make DA and VF instant cast. [Dark Evangelism] would make up for the lost damage.

This is my go to specc now and its way more fun to play with since Shadow word death procs so much

this is what i play on ST fights since its the only go to dps output

this would be fun if blizzard added VT cleave with Mind blast and Shadow word death would make shadow work so good.

Also make DA instant cast.

also mind games kind of sucks not worth takeing since mind bender heals insane.

They should just remove Shadow crash for season 3 its not fun to play with since tanks pulls 50 adds and runs around the world .

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So you want it to take less effort to get the damage done? Is your idea that there should not even be a +spell that adds dots, but that all your damage should be distributed to all targets without dots by pressing single target rotation?
SH already have uncapped aoe, outside of shadow crash’s 8 targets you can apply it manually to more. Doesn’t go away by itself? my god what is this a game or auto play simulator? A few things could be changed, sure, but what you outlined is ridiculous.
I dont want to be rude, but bro its just a Bull****.
For example, I liked the previous sh better and the shadowlands one too, but it seems that most people don’t, because it was too complicated and they had to cut out 2-3 spells. And now even the simplest version you say is not simple enough?

Its not fun giving away your dps cds getting nothing in return. Depending on a clunk bolt and shadow (CR)miss

The rework left much to be desired our DPS CDs is cast time even in pvp gutterd.

They need to make it better Mind bender was the funniest interation they made with shadowlands sad part they didnt expand on it since the andy legion wanna be people wants to hard cord legion only works mind set they don’t even want to expand on the class. This version its just not fun to play either the devs give a void priest specc and give shadow a raven shadow specc divide it up like One Dps specc that is Pure shadow and one specc that is Pure Void.

Then we have none conplaints just make a 4th specc for shadow an excuse for blizzard to atcually try for once in their 8 years of absence.

They aren’t even trying. Its just half absence after half absence reworks. being affraid of losing the 1% playerbe base at the top that pays blizzards payment.

Its just sad that these people try to defend a specc that is gutterd since the start of the expack.

only bullc**p is this version of shadow priest


remove this trash abilitys lol garbage


they should never be able to work at any head quaters ever again for the rest of their life and never be able to get any money what so ever for the treament they have been giving this class since the start of this trash they call dragonflight.


I believe that it’s not fun to play with, that’s why I haven’t forced it since the last rework, no metter how strong it is. But as I said, I don’t think it would be a good solution if it were even simpler forexample spread with mind blas.
I think it would make the most sense if there was a separate aoe rotation, Mind Sear would come back, but not as a spenders, and there would be a new AOE spender spell.
I think the biggest stupid thing they can do with a class is if the single target and the aoe rotation are the same.
But it’s also stupid when, for example, you have to sacrifice 20-25% single target damage due to the aoe build. I don’t know why it would be difficult to add +2 baseline aoe spells and everything would be fine. Because if you think about it, in the end, always those classes become ‘‘META’’ classes who could make the best solution between aoe and single with the least sacrefices.

I think they can make mind blast spread VT on to targets work just nerf PL down a bit maybe to 10% or 15% and make Mindbender as a permanent pet and remove PI and make DA and VF instant cast. then give hero to Priest.

Then Remove Void Torrent add back Cascade remove shadow crash.¨

They can make it better.

thats option 1

Option 2 Remove Void form and put it in to a void priest specc as a 4th specc since people been asking for blizzard to make shadow shadow and void void an big excuse for blizzard to separate priest in to two different specs.

Sort of like druid Guardian and Feral back when Feral was both tank and dps it didnt work and now Priest has gone thus far it needs seriously love take what you had in season 4 shadowlands and add that in to the game.

They got all these competent people as dev teams just get brain storming I rather play shadow with it working than a void abomination that doesn’t work.

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lol it got reduced now, probably because we can apply without target cap, right? LOL

Yeah but they also buffed all the single target spells pl affects besides void torrent by 12%.

PL has to be tuned against the damage of the spells as well. If aoe is good but you wanna buff st, you have to bring the pl modifier down.

Shadow is still going to absolutely smack in m+. It honestly kinda shows why designing around dot cleave like this is a bad idea, since it’s exactly the type of gameplay blizzard considered problematic for fire in their explanation of the rework.

Doing anything thelannah suggested seems to me like the opposite of the direction we’re heading.

An aff lock by choice, I went demo for keys, for yet again another xpac. Then I gave up on Demo lock a few weeks ago. Too much hard casting and ramp up for high movement boss/trash mechs and certain affixes. Not to mention that the changes to address the peaks and valleys of the rotation were virtually unnoticeable.

So, I pick up shadow 2 weeks ago, and it felt good, handled movement much better than demo lock with dots and mind spike… and somewhat reminded me of aff lock. Ok this is my new main.

Today, I read the proposed changes. Does the Dev team have meetings and decide what is working, and not working, then make it their mission to break what IS working?

As the OP stated, melee are already wrecking us in AoE in the mid range keys I’ve been running, 11-16. If the tank has to move a pack due to a mech, or just being a crackhead, and shadowcrash misses, rip that 20s of aoe compared to melee.

We don’t need an aoe nerf, we need a BUFF. Go back to 30% on Psychic Link, maybe 32%… not down to 15%. Or at least buff the dots (significantly) to compensate. -.-

You really shoudl ask the players about what they want to see changes, and what they want left alone before senseless decisions, like this aoe nerf, are even planned. This is the last class I’m hopping too.

Paid my sub and bought 120 bucks of tokens this month for the spriest fore crafting gear, gems, enchants, all consumables, etc.

Now ALL of that is shot to H*** because Blizz apparently just hates something working right and rather break it, than fix what is actually wrong.

Remember the demo lock blowup on the ptr where you backed out 90% of the changes?
Same concept here. The people making these changes are so far removed from supporting the entire player base (not just the 1%) that they really shouldn’t be making any changes to begin with.

They literally buffed all our single target spells by 12%, which is also damage going into psychic link in AOE. Shadow was absolutely overperforming in AoE and quite poor in Single Target. The changes make sense understanding that and the compensation was very fair.

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Absolutely disagree on the AoE overperforming.

Get a kiting tank in a 11-16 pug m+ and watch the dk and pally follow them along pulling 20-30k more dps than you because you have to stop, cast, move, repeat, shadow crash… oh darn, the DH tank decided to leap to the just as i pressed the button… rip that shadow crash.

Melee: lol’s in mobile brrrrrrt with dps unaffected.

I agree that on static aoe scenarios they “were” doing ok. I also understand the ST buff, helping to compensate to some of the Psylink nerf.

I haven’t put it to paper yet, but at a glance I think its going to be an overall aoe nerf. A nerf that was unnecessary given other classes were already quite handedly beating us in some movement aoe scenarios while we were just level or near level with them on static scenarios.

By us, I mean the non-casual but also non-elite mid range key runners that don’t have bis trinks, embellishments, etc. If it works for you, then good for you. I think it’s trash, and it’s gonna be trash for me.

7% ST, 3-4% nerf in AoE but more like 2% in actual keys because of the ST buff affecting bosses.

A lot of the positioning issues I sympathise with, and the best way to mitigate them is to position aggressively with your tank and use every opportunity to create a situation where you’re leading him instead of the other way around. This means as the tank runs into the pack you’re already in range and can start pre firing abilities, as well as you’re at a much much lower risk of getting left behind / caught having to interrupt important casts in order to keep up.

I feel like blizz has failed to understand why spriests are so popular in m+, and nerfed the wrong thing. Spriests are brought because of their excellent utility such as Mass Dispel and Power Infusion, not their damage.

Their AoE is not any better than that of the other casters, and after these nerfs it will be behind the other casters. Yet spriests will continue to be mandatory for the highest keys because of their utility.

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I agree when possible, but it is often not possible to do so. Take NL for example. Several passages where you can’t be ahead of the tank due to pulling other mobs and or cleave dmg, then you have avalanche, volcanic, storming, spiteful to contend with when often, the only place you can go is further away.

We can plan all we want but some dungeon designs and rng negate all of that and we’re back to square one of horrible mobile dmg due to getting ranged , los’d, and sc misses.

I’m already seeing posts where both aoe and even ST are performing lower than before these changes. I’ll reiterate that Spriest was quite behind other classes aoe pally/dk for example, on mobility pulls, los pulls, and any affix/ location where shadow crash could miss, or not register on stairs, etc.

Let me clarify, I’m not talking guild ran 20+ keys, I’m talking pug 11-16’s where no matter how much you plan and adapt, there’s always the different tanking styles, routes, pull strats, etc to contend with and some of them just result in trash dps compared to other mobile classes that can adapt on the fly and easily pull +15k dps more overall dps in those scenarios.

Get a good guild group and I agree some of those issues are at least partially mitigated. My point is the entire playstyle should not geared around a 20 guild key with 5 people in disc that are used to doing the same pulls over and over. It’s not as adaptable as some other classes, in those other scenarios, and yet here we are with a nerf.

If you’re happy, good for you. I think the changes are shortsighted and trash in general.
Many others obviously do as well. You’re not changing our minds just because you are ok with it.

The dot spreading as shadow priest feels good awful like shadowlands was bad but this is even worse. Tanks Running away with 20 adds and you manually has to dot 12 before you toss shadow crash and it sometimes miss.

they need to fix this trash system

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Remove Pi problem solved buff Shadow.


priest nerfed again

At this point it is obvious that the rework failed again