What is happening to cosmetics and collectables?

It’s time for a new expansion and with it a whole bunch of new things to collect for our characters. And yet after seeing the Wowhead posts and leaks I’m not sure how to feel.

The Mounts : If you head on over to Simple Armory you can see how the mounts go from the humble Deathcharger in Classic to an exponential growth of mounts in future expansions. If it continues this way we will be getting 350 mounts+ per expansion?! This would normally be great! However, when ever mount has 3-10 recolors that all have different sources (which can vary widely in difficulty) it’s a lot less exciting. The quality is also questionable. Does that gladiator mount really equate to the effort of hundreds of hours of fighting?

The Armor Sets : I’m sure you’ve heard people say that the outdoor sets are better than the tier sets for a few patches now. Even though I’m a big fan of class identity I can’t help but agree. I’ve noticed that most of the sets from Dragonflight have had the same quality and similar appearance to sets from Cata, while the new leaks have an uncanny resemblance to some leveling and pvp sets from Pandaria. The quality is all over the place, even on a male human default model the pieces don’t fit well together. Even on the best ones like the paladin set have terrible proportions (giant boots, small shoulders, claws that don’t match the fingers/toes, hip to waist ratio etc).

The Colors: Last but not least this one hits the hardest imo. They have refused to give us the ability to dye our armors. It’s understandable why, there would be far less things to farm. However if that’s the case shouldn’t there be at least SOME quality control for the cosmetics we spend so much time farming? I’m sure many of you remember the questionable Legion artifact appearances with inexplicable colors and low res. It has only gotten worse over time. For the new armors and mounts coming in The War Within I can’t tell if they have people who are color blind ( which is nothing to be mean about but maybe art is not for them) or if they are just using AI.

All in all I’m not a big fan of the way the main reason for a lot of us to play is being treated. Maybe it’s time for quality over quantity and a brand new set of eyes working on this very important part of the game.


??? what

Yea, way too much stuff to collect these days, nothing feels special anymore.


The most special thing in the game are the people in your dungeon party. :grinning: But seriously, I love the outdoor sets they’ve made and think it’s a promising sign of what’s to come.

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I love my vast collection of transmog, mounts etc. It’s a fun part of the game for me.

Gives me something to do on the side. I use the random mount button from my entire collection and I love seeing what comes up.

Not everyone has to collect either. Some just find a mog they like farm the pieces and are done with it or have a favourite mount they always use.


You know DF has only just over half the mounts shadowlands had right…

Perhaps with so many cosmetics to collect now the attitude that people must absolutely collect every single last item in game will start to wane. Perhaps FOMO will deminish as players realise they can’t get everything nor should they try.

I just wish they would release a dye system… it would solve so many issues… :confused:


I agree, as a transmoger first and collector second, then everything after that, I would love for the game to have as many amazing items as possible.
However I think that quality needs to come first.

What? That’s just not true at all. just looking at my main, the priest, especially the s2 and s3 look stellar. None of the cata ones look close to what we have today. Same for Pala and Warrior.

Happened to me in MoP. Pet battles made pets much less special to me. I spent days of game time farming those classic whelps.


Oh, boy. How much I understand you. I was pet collector in WOTLK and even before that, in TBC, when collecting pets was doing but a very small minority of players.

I was so proud of my collection of rare pets that I farmed in those two expansion. At one point I had probably more than 90% of pets available (excluding the ones requiring money).

And the same with Achievements. It was fun to be a collector because completing collection was a reasonable goal, that could be accomplished. Nowadys it feels dull. There is so much available that its overwhelming. Collecting a new things seems meaningless when you pick 1 in a collection of thusands or ten of thousands instead 1 in hundreds.


Collecting achievements in Wrath was such a fun activity, everyone was doing it as well, some people on multiple characters (for whatever reason :'D). The limited pool of achievements really made it special. I guess what I was trying to say in my post is that even though I understand that they need to make more things to keep the playerbase going, they still need to keep that special feeling when we spend our limited free time

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and those pet you farmed are not less rare…

That is the only conclussion you have from reading my posts? Really? The rarity of my old pets? Really?

A dye system would unfortunately need a massive overhaul of their gear system.

Right now it loads just one layer of texture, for dyes to work you need multiple layers.

And it wouldn’t be retroactive without manual updating.

You have to ask yourself; why get something you won’t use? Are you going to ride all 500 mounts, or transmog all 3000 armour pieces?

no but the only remark i had…

Well, at least we are getting a personal tabard now. Better then nothing I guess.

Also, now I want to play ESO again on my Xbox (since Zenimax doesn’t focus on cross-save or import from console ↔ PC save files. Would love to continue the game on PC, even if it meant to buy all expansions again or paying ESO+…

ESO is a game i really want to love… But god damn that combat is bad >.<

And for some reason skills and normal attack queues properly only for controller.

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