Hello, whoever at Blizzard reading this or I’m just talking to myself …
Can we please have a Developer Note or some sort of communication on the direction of the Spec please? at this point I’m not sure how to feel about Survival I don’t feel like I’m playing Survival anymore. Poison Build is gone, Hard hitting Kill Shots that cleaved are gone, the fantasy of you and your pet chilling together and your pet is also gone and we are also losing Bombs and Explosions…
If there was a button to go back to the DF version of Survival + a huge buff to Butchery,Mongoose Bite and a 1-min Killshot cleave build without the Pet Basic Attack mechanic I would’ve pressed that button so hard to make sure it gets stuck and never gets deactivated.
First we had so many Bombs and Explosive Shots, Bombs were hitting really hard and we always had them but it was changed to have less Bombs but they hit hard ok nice, we had less Tip of the Spear buff.
After that a patch dropped Bombs were nerfed in AoE so they were still hitting hard but not as much as before, we had some extra Top of the Spear buff.
Now we are having even less Bombs and they are only hitting hard if you are playing Pack Leader(WHAT?), Tip of the Spear is all over the place.
I mean I don’t mind change but why are we changing something like Butchery or Making Mongoose Bite 3 Stacks that don’t need changing? Why isn’t Exposed Flank just a simple Passive Kill Command cleave? are we going to change Sentinel and PL to fit the new design of Survival now?
Once again going to give my feedback here maybe someone actually sees it this time:
We need a huge up lift on VFX and SFX Survival has become a boring spec Visually and Sound design All i hear is Kill Command. Bursting Shot literally uses Fury of the Eagle spears but orange and Fury of the Eagle spears are not even HD. Mongoose Bite sweeping effect should change at 5 stacks. There is no Visual Indicator for Tip of the Spear. Spearhead charge was removed and replaced with /whistle chat command which can be replaced with Chakrams or Death Chakram Visually really east and fast. 3 color Bombs are gone
Get rid of the “Optional” % Damage Talents and replace them with Meaningful talents that can introduce choices between ST and AoE -OR- favor a Build or Hero Talent. if you want to add Boring damage talents just add Wildfire Cluster or anything but 5% Bomb damage
Bring Back Serpent Sting as a button and make it last longer and do more damage and give RS and MB extra Crit chance
Kill Command Reset is literally useless only function of it is you get more Tips Kill Command again so here is an Idea: literally remove 2 charges of Kill Command and instead make Kill Command to give more focus and deal more damage, everytime you get a Reset you get a Tip of the Spear makes the spec less GCD heavy I just want my pet to hang around with me and do stuff why do i have to keep pressing Kill Command for almost everything now
Flanking Strike and Exposed Flank again you have to track a Buff and 2 GCDs to generate Tips which is annoying my suggestion: Flanking Strike Generates 1 Tip per target hit and with Exposed Flank Flanking Strike and KC passively hit 3 targets so in total in AoE you get your Tips the way the designer wants 1 button no buffs need to be tracked no extra useless GCD that does no damage and why is Flanking Strike should be a 20 second cooldown with longer range 15 yard is not it
Why not give Butchery the Divine Storm treatment and nerf Frenzy Strikes for it, buff the bombs so Less Bombs that hit hard
I have so much more to talk about but these are my main concerns and ruining the spec for me I’m tired of Kill Command i don’t care about doing damage anymore i prefer to be bottom DPS but my spec doesn’t feel like I’m being held hostage by my pet that keeps dying and gets stuck everywhere or in Fear or Stun effects (In pvp and pve) and meanwhile drowning in GCDs.