What is now the maximum level in Chromie time before it force-kicks you?

What is now the maximum level in Chromie time before it force-kicks you?

Should it be 69? But I don’t want to take any risks, does anyone know for sure?

68 seems the best bet.

Last expansion my Chromie Time character was locked to 58.

Froze my experience at 67 to be absolutely sure, but I think 68 is still safe.

to Confirm - 68 is not a safe bet.

i have dabbled, ive locked at 69 68 67, and at 68 if you return to your normal timeline, you lose access to Chromie.

at 67, i believe it was as mentioned in that Gotchas post, i only have access to 1 dungeon, so best bet is stay 59/60

I dont know why it just doesnt go straight to 70…

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Should have been max…

SL should have been the point they ditched constantly raising the damn level cap.

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i got my earthen kicked out at level 70, about 85% into the next level if i remember correctly, so there must be something else going on with it beside the level itself.

also, i got the message to meet up in Dalaran from Jaina at level 68, 69 and 70 so far on different alts… dunno why.

I dont think its kicks you out, but once you try to swap to another timeline, you cant, if you return to present, you can no longer interact to chance the timelines.