What is point of economy pillar in open world, if it doesn't feel alive

I really believe they should re-work how shared skinning/loot/gathering works. Blizzard completely changed the way people farm, and it happened in Korthia s2 of SL patch. You could really feel the change and the impact on the open world. It removes so many different feelings from open world. Just keep in mind that I had made my own routes in s1 of SL in bastion only, 4 of them, and I would do them occasionally and do PVP, and I had a lot of fun. Some 4 years forward and today in TWW, we have only 1 spot for skinning, and you have to do it in a group, and the way you do it is really unreasonable if you look it from perspective of what is fun.

Let me try to explain what made this economy pillar fun. The way you do it had to be somewhat logical as if you played game to prepare in virtual world. You needed to be aware of your surroundings and you had to be prepared of what is to come, whether it is about players (PVP), or how many mobs you pulled. Today it doesn’t make any sense, and it doesn’t make any sense since korthia patch. People are just pressing 2 buttons and semi afking while making gold. On top of that blizzard just reduced the number of spots in open world, so they kind of shrinked whole open world into 1 tiny spot of the map, in whole expansion believe it or not, this is how its been in DF and how it will be in TWW. Isn’t it easier to remove shared skinning and shared loot/gathering, and just make expansion you do regulary, because with or without it blizzard still makes mobs in open world that are skinnable and is putting effort in populating areas, but since we have shared group skinning going on, we have problem of not experiencing whole map.