What is the best class/spec for duels?

Had to play 8 months, i returned. i play pve but i want also a good wpvp class/spec for fun. with bm hunter i was ok in legion, but atm i dont know what is going on. Its worth to gear my hunter? To me bm hunter seems way stronger than legion in some things for wpvp, tried it beta and it was insane, but atm i dont know because i have miss the changes.

help please? <3

Survival is better then BM in most cases. But the strongest wpvp class RN is druid and rogue. Why? Because you can pick 1v1 fights and skip all the 4v1

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I can confirm that Feral Druid is much fun in wpvp.


Feral because you can infinitely reset, similar with rogue.
Ret pala also good in 1v1.

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I’m also currently trying different classes for WPvP, so I’d also like to know too.

One more thing: every class and spec has it’s counters, but I wouldn’t pick one that has a clear HARD counter. For example: pretty sure that Warriors and Rets are hard countered by mages.

I’m having fun with an arcane mage at the moment, though some ranged classes that can dispel and heal are big trouble (shadow priest, elemental shaman).

I also tried survival, though you end up kiting other meeles as meele… that’s weird and not always successful, but agains plate meeles you have to do it.

Btw. what places do you pick for solo WPvP? The Champions of Azeroth WQs seem to be the best spot, when there’s an emissary quest.

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im close to play retri paladin, i have searched for bm hunter and seems they suck hard this expansion in wpvp, against many classes like ele sham etc. i have one 110 lvl retri from legion. good but not special for pve as i have searched, and for wpvp? they say they are very strong 1 vs 1 but as you said they have mages as big counter. if i have a chance to beat everyone as retri when i get high ilvl gear but only mages will be hard against me then im ok, because i will try and play dirty vs them :v ( trinket potion from alchemy, engi with nitro boost and many other things if you know what i mean :v) wpvp no rules anyway :v

to bad tho, bm seemed stronger and more fun for bfa inside beta… i played only hunter from mop until legion :c but on this exp they nerfed them very hard and now seems they are worse than legion. was my favorite class.

( sorry for my bad english)

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For 1v1s probably ele

In general probably rogue/druid

In duels its Warlock/Feral… Both of them are ridiculous 1v1 and with the PVE effect in duels you’ll heal alot more, Feral has an insane self heal in duels while locks just walk around like juggernauts.

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i have see some duels and indeed feral heals much and kite is annoying BUT the only time i liked the feral playstyle was in WOD :v. I never liked them before wod and after wod. As for the locks i liked them only in tbc when i mained one. For the paladins i have to say they seems very strong too, insane heals, insane burst, op defs BUT their mobility is a problem. I saw a retri in a duel vs mage, he was 408 ilvl and the mage around 404 and retri managed to kill him. in the end mage had around 30% hp pala the same and pala killed him when he uses LOH lmao.

Also i have see some videos with DH in wpvp, seems a beast too

ELE Sham lately seems very strong too somehow, the lasso with 30 sec cd is insane

In this expansion, meele classes are superior to casters/rangers classes. Whatever you choose, if you choose a meele class, you will enjoy.
Casters are quite weak and cant do much vs paladins, ferals,rogues and demon hunters. One exception would be warlocks, but even so, you need to master that class.
Elemental shamans, priests and mages are quite good in group pvp, stay behind and nuke, but if a meeler comes close to them, they are dead meat.
Ofc on youtube there are some exceptions : a warlock killing 5 roques or a elemental shaman doing the same, but thoose are very pro players (all day they do only duels, arenas, pvp) and that cant apply to casual or semi-hardcore pvp players.

That’s not true, ele is currently the best 1v1 class in the game. Especially for open world 1v1s with good traits/gear.

Obviously you have to be decent at your class to win duels, but you have to be decent at every class even though the gameplay has been very simplified.

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You said it: good traits and gear. Also in open world, the duel concept is inexistent. 95% of fights are between multiple players, never 1v1 fight. So its very complicated to make a conclusion.
I dont think ele is the best 1v1 class in the game, but it is on top 1-5. It depends the player, the gear, traits and the eviroment of the fight (wpvp or duel,arena,etc).
From my personal experience and skills i have, i never could defeat a paladin or feral druid on 1v1. Maby my pvp skills are not so good and i panic too early or something, but thoose 2 classes are too OP vs elemental shamans from my point of view. Other classes, yes, i defeated them 1vs1, some harder, some easier.

when flying is avaliable in w-pvp nelf druid is the way to go for meld flight form

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