What is the class ability you miss, that you once had?

Yes. And in some cases, they have. Glyphs are a compromise I’m willing to accept.

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Emancipate and Long arm of the Law for retri, Speed of Light (cataclysm version) for holy.

And a lot more that I would type out if I wasnt on phone atm.


Hear! hear!

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KInda bothersome how they removed abilities/passives, and then re-add them as bloody PvP talents.


If demon hunters only knew how much abilities the classic classes had to “sacrifice” over the years…

And some the Demon HUnters even took from Warlocks.


I remember Holy paladins had, for a short while, some talent that gave them a smaller 1-handed “Ashbringer” for a minute or so. I’d prefer just getting the actual weapon model, but a return of the ability would be cool too.

Avenger I Think it was.

Prot/Ret had the same.

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  1. Metamorphosis
  2. Demonic Leap
  3. Carrion Swarm
  4. Shadowflame

I don’t think I have said it enough times yet but metamorphosis demonology was perfection gameplay wise. Don’t think I will ever see a spec as awesome as that again.


Am I the only one who liked the Demon Bolt stuff from WoD?

I think these are great suggestions for DHs :astonished:

Thank that new noob class that got released last expansion…

Raise an ally as zombie and original grasping hands alike slow on ground.


Oh I remember that. Also the one that made you come back as a ghool after you died, that one was awesome.

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-Aura mastery
-Gardian of ancient kings.
-Holy wrath

-Warrior stances.
-Heroic strike.
-Wild strike


I hope they give warriors cleave baseline back… And not as a talent

Wasnt there an unholy dk talent on Wotlk release that made them become a ghoul when they died?
That was pretty fun.

Mana Totem. (Only as healer, obviously… no one else needs it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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Most of all mana management. That means not a particular spell, but just a big change to all the spells.

If having to choose a spell, I’d go for the armours - compensated for by low stamina.

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On my druid… Mark of the Wild.