What is the class ability you miss, that you once had?

Totally forgot: old exe sentence with that slow falling hammer and dot dmg with the big hit in the end

Fan of Knives. Stolen from Combat (Outlaw) Rogues.

All the artifact abilities as baseline.

Also, it’s not really the question, but i miss wod ret pally, it was very good.

What i do not miss though, are all the abilities that do not really add to the gameplay, so, class buffs, and totems like strength of earth, or grace of air.

If we are to bring back class buff, either do them for all, or not at all.

I would not mind if those totems were brought back as cds rather than abilities you have to keep up 100 % of the time.

Also, revert the gcd change.

I use concentrated flame on my pally it is basically exorcism. In fact with empyrian power and concentrated flame, my pally feels almost a bit like a t10 wotlk ret.

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It does have a similar feel to it, agree on that. Though it isn’t quite as iconic as Exorcism was with its complete obliteration of undead/demons (hailing back to W2 paladins) ; I miss the ability before they just made it the default attack to use on anything.

Alter Time, MoP itteration for my Mage.

Gust of Wind, Legion itteration for my Shaman. (Also damage focused into Lava Burst.)

Momentum, Legion itteration for my Demon Hunter. It was nice to have something to think about to max out the damage, and felt so good when you mastered it and got to crush the damage meters.

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Yeah old pally was more undead/demon focused. I don’t think they get those old damage bonuses anymore, but wake of ashes still stuns demons I think.

seconding that, carrion swarm and chaos wave had such beautiful and unique animations :frowning: all gone screw the devs

also exorcism for paladins


Also the control pet ability.

Wake of Ashes is indeed still wonderful against demons and undead :slight_smile:


charge stun and of gcd abilities like heroic strike and hammtring.

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You can’t imagine how happy I am that concecration will be back baseline

Thorns on my Ardent Defender
No longer do rogues panic after realising they lose health quicker then me when they attack me

Heart of the Wild

Affinities feels like getting the Lidl version of a top brand, i loved just popping HotW and going dance dance revolution with all the healing.

Oh for sure. I mean it’s never been a really great ability for me, but it’s still one of my favourites.

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Ranged survival spec.



Also not an ability but I miss Blood DK dps and two-handed Frost DK.

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Remember when frost was the tank spec?
I 'member


I also member when the class concept was “dark necromantic knight in full plate, equally adept at dealing damage or tanking empowered by blood, frost or the unholy, wielding double-handed or dual wielded runeblades”

Alas, that will never again happen. Dumbing down the specializations to spesific roles with spesific weapons seems mandatory :frowning:


It was basically the same with the old feral spec which could tank or dps before they split it into 2 specs.