What is the future for the Trolls?

Amen to that, I was saying same thing for a while. If Ol’ Rasty had to die, then his death better bring something positive. Uniting all trolls would ease the pain of losing such a great character.

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I would love that! Of course not all trolls, the blood trolls can stay out of it. They have caused enough trouble as it is. And I think every tribe hates them.

But the other tribes definitely!

One of the many things I loved about Zandalar is that we saw different trolls being friendly with each other. We helped mindslaved Gurubashi be free, we saw Zandalari and Darkspear working together. It was beautiful!

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And I think that Alliance should at some point regret the idea of assaulting Zuldazar, it’s not just a city, it’s a cradle of troll civilization and Rastakhan was a Pope-like figure to all of them. You don’t kill a Pope and pretend nothing happened. And not only king, they killed high priests, assauled shoppers in Zocalo and destroyed half of the fleet, and they did that “because they didn’t want for Zandalari to Join the Horde”.

But I’d settle for Jaina’s head alone.

As for Talanji, I’d also want for her to first focus on her people before trying to hit back Alliance. She is kind of leader that would forsake her on comfort and her own needs for the sake of her own people. This is why she is great.

Hehe obviously. I wish they never existed tbh. They’re walking mockery of trolls, culimation of their worst trait multiplied to a point it’s grotesque.
I’d rather if Nazmir was about recovery from Cataclysm where we help lower castes, and fend of invasions from Naga, Kul’Tirans, Old Godcultists that make a move on weakened shore, andinstead of Uldir I’d puta huge troll ‘Academy’ a place for Chroniclers who store all the history records and where Arcanitals train so we could have raid that works like Caverns of Time to witness the War of Aquir, and dungeon where we witness some smaller nice event.

It would be more meaningful and Uldir could be simply N’zoth’s prison. the whole G’huun and blood troll plot in retrospect feelscompletely pointless and doesn’t add anything of value.

And Darkspears could still be useful infighting other threats andgaining Loa’s favor where they show off their experience.

Would be nice tho’ seeing some of them coming to their senses after their “Blood God’” died and showing some realy personality, not just your everage blood cultist joe, but a few, maybe a small tribe worth that want to crawl out from the hole they dig themselves in the swamp with the blood sacrifices and cannibalism…
I mean the Darkspear lived on their island not really by choice, but the other jungle trolls (or forest?) kicked them out… and later they reformed, changed their ways and bacame more what they used to be :thinking:
They even could help some Blood Trolls as mentors and guides to do the same

Yeah, i’d expect the alliance to later show a degree of “this is not how we ideally wanted it to go.” not necessarily because of sparing troll civilization (I don’t think the alliance really gives it much thought) but rather their actions essentially pushed the Zandalari into a closer relationship with the Horde, and the Zandalari have precedent for bearing grudges and refusing to shrivel up and die, and it’s probably not the best thing in the world to piss off that kind of group of people if you didn’t have to. Outside of a fairly dodgy piece of writing this should rightfully come to bite the alliance on the backside.

And the Zandalari aren’t particularly nice opponents due to their high level of magical mastery, strong physical attributes and having the backing of supernatural entities (as fickle as they are) making them an unpredictable force. In the past this has largely been a non-issue as they’ve styled themselves as scholars and observors of all else, so they’ve had no reason to go absolutely crazy beyond their own lands (Zul’s detachment was only a handful of their forces), given a cause to get behind and without sabtage from within their own, they’re not exactly going to provide the alliance with a pleasant experience from here on out.

Its not that trolls are losing land its more like they use to own everything and been everywhere in azeroth. All characters that i started wouldn’t see an orc before theramore, but troll tribes are a constant presence that early, saying lore is bad to trolls in general is kinda weird when the race is so vast to the point that they have nothing to do with each other and they are self contained stories non related to the bigger picture.

Not to mention the New Trolls! :smile:


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