What is the future for the Trolls?

Trolls are the oldest native species in Azeroth. The ancestors of the elves. Lore has not been kind to them. Since Warcraft 2 the Troll lands have been taken and taken over and over again.

Ice Trolls Owned most of the lands in Dun Morogh and Northern. The lands in Dun Morogh were taken by the Dwarves pushing back the Ice Trolls. There is one friendly NPC in Dun Morogh (probably more) but the rest we are sent to kill for a quest.

In Eversong woods we are sent to kill Amani people in the Village, she even referred to them as Savage. Same with Ghost Lands. A little history. Lordaeron forests, and Eversong woods belonged to the Amani, now they were pushed back into the small zone called “Zul’Aman” which is by far the most beautiful area in the zone If you ask me. Then we get sent to kill some more in that area.

Dark trolls are mostly killed by the Twilight hammer. Only available Dark troll is one NPC woman ingame.

Anyway they had some bad lore written for them since the start of wow.

Can the Trolls change and become allies? I believe so. Will blizzard do it? Probably not. The thing is, Troll fans don’t have a large voice like the high elf fans.

The Zandalari were originally enemies, but now they are with the Horde. All the tribes look towards the Zandalari as a sort of “mother tribe” thing. Even the Zandalari themselves refer to the other tribes as “lesser tribes”. So if the Zandalari joined the horde, mostly likely others will follow.

In Zuldazar we are asked to free Mindslaved Gurubashi, and they appear to be friendly.

I personally don’t think the Amani will join the horde due to the Blood elves being in it, but we do have the Revantusk which is another Forrest troll tribe that follows the horde.

The new customization is great in the sense that we can finally customize ourselves through other tribes. But it’s missing something… where is the Forrest trolls? We currently have many vibes of Warcraft 2 and 3 coming with the new customization. Wildhammer, high elves, Highborne, Kul Titans, Mag’har Orcs, etc.

Would be cool if a Green skin color is added. That’s all we are asking for. We aren’t asking for straight backs (although would be cool) we aren’t asking for the bigger muscular bodies (again would be cool) we just want one more skin color to complete the tribes. It only makes sense. Revantusk are friendly with the Horde.

it only makes up for many of the years of bad lore for these poor guys.

Here is the discussion for green Skin:

Green Skin for Trolls


Depends on devs attitude toward trolls. For many years they didn’t treat them seriously, it seems to be changing now since they noticed massive Zandalari and Zekhan popularity. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. They have massive hard on for humans and elves and they focus primary on writing them in superlative ways, while they give trolls - and not only trolls, but also tauren, dwarves, gnomes and many others “afterthought development”.

Which is a shame, trolls have enormous potential for writing development, but what to expect from a team that constantly does “rule of cool” and treat continuity as devil ‘treats’ holy water.

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Pretty much. But I feel like Trolls (along with blood elves) are the only things keeping me interested in this game The architecture and music is so magical when visiting Zul’Aman, Zul’Gurub, Zul’Farrak, and Dazar’alor

The future of the troll story depend of the exit of the dungeon the other side.

How will react all tribe to that story :

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give us sha of anger mount

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Great. Another dungeon with Trolls in it. At the very least we might be getting some troll transmog From the bosses :joy:

But Da other side sounds like more of a Undead troll kinda thing, just a theory based on the pictures

Oh…you mean these trolls. I thought this topic would be about the “other kind of trolls”… :rofl: :rofl:


Hehe :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Actually we don’t battle trolls there, unless some risen skeletons. Instead we battle, gnomes, Hakkar again, some wierd creature from oribos and lastly face Mueh’Zala.

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The Trolls had their time… and it is passed. Since a tribe of Dark Trolls evolved to Kaldorei and became the dominant species, the Trolls are slowly on a decline
Only the Zandalari are what remained from the proud Troll Empire, the smaller ones, the the Gurubashi, Amani, and Drakkari Empires were “suggested” in to existance by the Zandalari to be basically meat shield and watch over the borders of the world so they don’t have to worry…
Then they fregmented further in to smaller tribes and even those empires are lost…
So the future is kinda bleak if you are not a Zandalari
Tho’ some miracle could happen, I mean Zul kinda had the good idea about the unified Troll race under the Zandalari but that vision crashed and burned. If the Trolls have any future, that is in the Zandalari Empire’s hand
Or the slow decay of their species continues , they degenerate further in to cannibalism and barbarism and into smaller and smaller waring bickering tribes, untill they simply die out (even the Zandalari was close to this fate thanks to the Blood Trolls and G’huun)

At least they still have a home, unlike gypsies from other space which lost multiple planets until they grew a spine.


Depending of the point of view really
The Draenei are just a little fraction of the Eredar race, exiled themselves and on the run, but the majority of the Eredar had a home and if you consider theye were the biggest dogs in the Legion, a neat little conquered space empire :thinking:
The Draenei are like the Farakki sand trolls, exlied and even Bwonsamdi turned his back on them, not protecting their souls; the Draenei similar exiles… tho Argus more or less in one piece so if the damn Lightforged ever give back the keys of the Draenei repaired/built Vindicaar they could go home to clear out and rebuild
But what you say is true, the Trolls - well some of them - still have ruined remains of their empires they could call home and linger there like ghosts of an era long bygone
Only the Zandalari are intact enough and have any real hope to secure their race’s future :eyes:

They do have a big empire so I agree. But disagree with the “only” part. I see the Amani failing because they have too much hatred in their hearts. Or they might be another villains on another continent.

But other Forrest trolls, like the Revantusk are friendly with the horde. So they can have a great future or remain in the background with the Darkspear.

I see the blood trolls failing, which they already have.

Some Gurubashi are actually friendly, so I can see this empire following the Zandalari’s lead, if they have a different leader and different politics. Which can easily change like the Zandalari have.

I don’t know about the Sand trolls, but if we are getting customization for them than most likely they will be allies too.

Ice trolls already have a failed Empire kinda situation. There is a few Friendly Ice Trolls in Dun Morogh, but majority aren’t. So I’m not sure.

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I honestly thought that costumization is suposed to represent the Zandalari outcats, the Scorched Sands tribe in Vol’dun we befriended and they became the friend of the Horde’ Speaker/Horde :thinking:

Trolls have a future, a race that once held empires not having them anymore is in no way a sign of absolute decline. Look at the night elves, they’ve gone from holding a huge empire spanning kalimdor to having NO capitol city whatsoever and having some vague settlements here and there.

You have to remember as well many Trolls have moved beyond their dreams of Empire days, the dream of a Troll Empire was largely one forwarded by Zul and entertained by the Zandalari for brief periods. When the tribes split most of the Tribes had no desire to move greatly beyond their original lands, for example the Gurubashi sought STV but they didn’t have plans to conquer Kalimdor for example.

With Zandalar now a proper actor in the Azerothian scene this may suggest positive things for Trolls. Zandalar has for a long time remained largely concerned with only preserving their island and merely observing and recording what the other tribes are up to. The formal union of the Zandalar Tribe within the horde, and by proxy the Darkspear fosters a more active relationship which means it is probable the Zandalari will be more interested in forwarding Troll interests as part of the Horde design. This probably won’t extend to rebuilding an entire Empire but that’s not the only way to service the needs of Trolls.

Tripping to De Other Side is also interesting. Venturing here is a boon for Troll future, not bane. We kill no Trolls within, more so we kill figures whom are interfering with the aspirations of Bwonsamdi. As far as Loa go Bwonsamdi is more inclined to support Troll interests than Mueh’Zala is, who has clearly sold out his own souls he should be caring for to the Jailer. Bwonsamdi doesn’t appear to be on board with this, which means liberating De Other Side from Mueh’Zala strengthens the Trolls as it restores proper order to the spiritual workings of their afterlife rather than throwing their souls into the Maw.

There are several stories that need to be tied up that will keep Trolls relevant as well. Darkspear leadership for one, as Rokhan doesn’t appear to be formally taking such a position, acting only as a council voice. The Zandalari response to BoDA proper, as the Zandalari are a prideful people and it seems unlike they’d simply forget the alliance marching into the throne room and laying a smackdown on their king. What will become of Vol’jin?

Trolls are in a decent place

Not the best example…

That’s exactly what I mean though.

People concerned about Trolls because they don’t have a total world empire, i’d be busy worrying about Kaldorei. They’ve gone from #1 superpower of the world to squatters with no capitol in their history.

To some degree Trolls seem to be used as villains and loot pinatas. It’s a shame for sure. Even though Troll content is pretty much the best in the game for me and I can always appreciate new Troll mog.

I think BfA missed a great opportunity to unite the tribes. Speakers of every tribe, even two that were never in the game before BfA but mentioned in lore made it in to the game.
But even with their speakers we didn’t get any updates for most of the tribes. What happened to the Firetree and Smolderthorn after the defeat of the Dark Horde? Did they join together with some Blackrock Orcs our Horde? Are they still fighting? What are they doing?
What about Jintha’alor? I could make a list for the tribes, but I won’t. It would derail the topic.
The only updates we’ve gotten are: Drakkari and the Shadowtooth are now all but extinct, except for one member each.
The Revantusk are still standing with the Horde. That’s good. But we don’t even get the existing green skin option, that’s odd. I would love this option for us to have. Like the op said, every WC2 race of the Alliance is now back. So give the Horde at least a green skin for Trolls.

The death of Rastkhan could also be used as a enormous event in Troll history uniting the different tribes. They could have bond together to avenge their king, fight for their future and finally have an ally within the Horde. Even Amani were part of Rastkhans funeral.
I can’t understand how they could waste such an unique opportunity.

I really hope the new book will touch on this and we will get more tribes joining the Zandalari Horde alliance. If we would get their customization it would be the best thing for me in this game.


Totally agree. Same here. I only got interested for the Trolls as they seem like something really unique you don’t find in other games.

And I believe they will join seeing as the Zandalari are kinda the mother tribe of all these tribes. Trolls look to them for inspiration.

I really hope they similarly don’t waste Rhasta. Whilst I don’t want it to be as simple as “raaaargh trolls unit for revenge” I really do not want them to go down the route of Talanji essentially reasoning that “it’s just one of those things” and “her dad made mistakes, but we’ve got to move on”

The alliance laid siege to their capitol city, a sacred space, marched into the throne room and essentially killed the king where he’s supposed to hold majesty. There is no way to take that diplomatically, even if the other races of the Horde try to go for a peaceful solution to keep the peace with the Alliance, the Zandalari should be absolutely seething.

I get Talanji is progressive, but you don’t overturn centuries of a race being choked up on their own pride and superiority.