What is the hype of Elden Ring about?

Isn’t that beauty of some games though?

If I like a particular game and how it played, I don’t always want something new or innovative added to it. I think games can end up feeling stale just by attempting to add new things all the time personally.

Hence my connect with Soulsborne, Demon Souls, Dark Souls they play alike but still feel different to play around with, to some degree anyway.

Sekiro was absolutely fantastic and Bloodborne is some what of a masterpiece imo.

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I feel kind of bad because I only completed Bloodborne. I got maybe 70% through Dark Souls 2 and maybe 50% through Dark Souls 3 (excluding DLC). I recently bought Sekiro while I was on a break from WoW and beat the first boss, but then I got baited by the Mage Tower. :rofl:

The SoulsBorne games are so long, so I won’t buy any more of them for a long while.

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Its more like a singe-player game, rather than mmorpg.

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me and a old ex friend of mine co-op’d dark souls 3 together…

we got to a swamp area and got invaded 5 times back to back…

we held our own and somehow managed to kill all of them with no breaks…

was some of the most fun i had in video games in a while.

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Yes but don’t spoil his dream that From can change their game styles and pumping out

somehow makes them superior.

This particularly made me laugh

Yet in that decade manages to make more money than all the Souls games combined.

No that would be ALL of them if they don’t give away their game for absolutely free.

Your precious Souls games made From a good bit of bunce, hence From are “corrupted by capitalism”

No it wasn’t lol. Hack and slashers with an Asian theme have been on the go for years. All Sekiro did was add a very unforgiving system of “block block block block block block block wait for opening block block block parry block parry block parry parry parry parry block block look for counter” 10 seconds into the game.

Bored the absolute bejesus out of me frankly.

or maybe they were like me and just didn’t find them fun? I agree though. Souls fans can be so precious. The ultimate “git gud” brigade.

Your opinion. I actually enjoyed Cyberpunk, because I didn’t jump onto the hype train.
Witcher 2 would like a word, IMO better than 3.

Again. Your opinion. Imo Overwatch was a decent quake 3 unreal tournament clone with a lick of modern day graphical paint.

I enjoyed and still play Diablo 3.

Hohohohoho oh good lord no…

If you take away Nintendo’s gimmicky systems for kids and drunk adults at parties they haven’t produced anything decent for quite a while now.

And if you want to rail about capitalism in gaming, I suggest you read up on Nintendo forcing EMUparadise to shut down it’s entire ROM database because Nintendo didn’t like the idea of people emulating their old libraries because Nintendo would rather you buy the 4562th billion episode of Mario or one of it’s mind numbingly dull games like “Wii fit” than release their old libraries from the NES, SNES, GC and N64 eras.

Unless you fancy shelling out 20 to 40 quid for them on Nintendo online or on your NES reborn, with it’s library of…


Again. Their most popular ip’s, which everyone has played to death.

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i never liked the soulike games, they feel laggish, inducted inputlag, low framerate, low speed animation, enemy and wepon hitbox with strange behevior, no instruction or maps or go to… yes that is the difficulty, is like an old game like mario, where all u need is learn the small imperfection to use at ur advantace.
Graphics suck (not bloodborn), audio is generic, good ambient, bad camera, scripted enemy position.
They are a mediocre games with added difficulty by been mediocre

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post edited

I would to play ER personally, but i have already tried past souls games and i just su*k tooo much at this series in general i can’t play them in the end due to that.

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