And also, your weapon, 376, as far as I know, hunter weapon damage (written white) is most impactful on a character’s damage.
Well, just simmed you, your max damage is 50k, but dealing 50k without practising with the same team for a long time is not easy but 31k is low.
Your trinket, Manic, is great, I wish I have it.
When I /who in game I rarely see monk or death knights.
But that is in questing areas, I don’t know if these or more used in dungeons
Then tell me why BM is still the most popular specc even tho bottom of the list in terms of power?.
Has notging to do with each other.
Rogues run on a energy system where pooling is required. Many players find that boring.
Just because its meta doesnt mean people will mass towards people will tunnel the easiest classes
Rogues popularity is pretty damn high lol, look at log numbers, look at wowheads popularity posts.
Rogues mass aload of people
Thats why Rogues are top 2 with two different specs in PVE conttent… lol
Dont think he read any logs or statistics before making his post tbh lol
I see evokers basically all the time. Everywhere i go theres at least 3 of them.
Right now id say they must make up at least 10% of the playerbase.
Jesus christ, not everyone plays the game to minmax… this is just ugh…
Goldshire is a dangerous place
Yea, I know. And I didn’t mean that anywhere. I was discussing hunter damage. Your point being?
I think the least popular class overall is probably Mage, because I imagine people quitting it early in this expansion. I think lots of players probably just pick up mage, do tank dps (assuming they don’t know the arcane rotation, that you have to study first for 30 min up to 1 hour to grasp), and then reroll or quit the game, unless they play frost Then they just do 20% less damage than other dps
its too difficult to play for newbies too. Much easier to smash hunter for damage
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