What is the least played WoW class?

Statistically speaking there must be a least played class right?

What do you think it is?


i would say monk.

Probably Shaman or mage atm. I am seeing quite a lot of monks tbh. WW being meta and all

Rogue, because they are always nerfed down on all damage meters.

%4.4 rogue (a classic class), %3.67 Evoker (a weird b-lizzard class introduced at the beginning of DF) ROFL LMAO

Huntar %12, most played class, most OP class, most should be nerfed class. BUSTED AGAIN and AGAIN.

probably monk.

The real question should be: which spec?

Windwalker is pretty popular, but Mistweaver and Brewmaster not so much.

100% mage no question in that , they became meme class in dragonflight , rarely do i see them these days in pvp to the point i was keep thinking to ask mages in city for conj food

thats how rare they are these days

Brewmaster monk, no doubt in my mind.

It’s just too complicated and weird for the average person to get in to, and since none exist, no one knows how to play with them either, making their job even more difficult.

Oddly, according to the video linked earlier, there are more Brewmasters than there are Mistweavers.

I dont even have to look at statitacs, evoker 100%.

I see more mages, more monks and so on than evokers now.

Devastation evokers are way too weak and need a major buff asap but the devs are sleeping.

If you want to dps, pic druid…

Tbh i see more evokers than mages nowadays. (Granted they’re mostly pers though)
Even I, decided to main a rogue this expansion after i mained this mage for years.

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Weird, I see more mages than evokers.

But Id say bottom 3 classes are evokers, monks and mages. These are played by so few… it is world of druid- and demon hunter craft now xD

Nah I’ve seen loads of monks in open world. The least I see is DK or Rogue. I imagine Rogues are mostly for M+/Raid/PvP though.

I’d like to know that too - specially the ratio of the 3 priest specs.

Nerfed of what? Some hunters I saw in group they barely keep up with damage. I do barely 31k overall at 383 :rofl:

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You do barely 31k overall at 383 on which spec? Something is wrong. Your weapon ilvl? Your trinkets?

Rogues are always overpowered even if nerfed. Lol theyve been meta for several consecutive expansions now.

Imma go with mage.

You can have a look at it :rofl: and I’ve been the top DPS so far among other hunters with my ilvl both in pugs and communities.

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If a class is OP and meta

then the majority of the player base will play that class in large %s. But up-to-date %'s don’t say the same.

Yea, BM. Switch MM huntar and deal triple damage of other classes.

gj, gg, wp :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl: