What is the most accurate website for realm population?

I check raider(dot)io,i want to play a horde character(eu english),Draenor or Kazzak realm is the best for me if i want a high population server?

I think it’s ironforgepro

That site have retail data? Or only classic?

Oh sorry man, I forgot about Retail… I’m so into old wow that I forgot shadowlands. It’s not for retail, my bad man.

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Wowprogress, but I think it’s just an indication rather than the absolute number.
I’m very happy with Tarren Mill

Different sites measure different things, with more or less accuracy. What constitutes an “active” character, for example.

You will find that raider.io, wowprogress.com, and www.wowrealmpopulation.com give very different numbers, because they are measuring diffeerent things, but will more or less agree on the relative populations of realms.

Draenor, Kazzak, Tarren Mill, Twisting Nether are all very busy Horde realms. You should make those your shortlist, then compare them for what you want.

Wowrealmpop site hasn’t worked properly since the API changes were done a year or so ago. Probably longer.

It’s best to use them as a guideline. Raider IO and Wowprogress both give good indications.

Thx for the many help.
Tarren mill also looks good.

battle.net! 1000s of WoW is dead posts, what else do you need to know.

You don’t need it that accurate. Pick a high pop and enjoy… or complain, that’s equally popular.

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