erm that is so not true for trivial content.
nobody cares about rogues because you have like 99% chance that people will somehow f…ck up skip anyway .
erm that is so not true for trivial content.
nobody cares about rogues because you have like 99% chance that people will somehow f…ck up skip anyway .
Of course it is. Outlaws the number 1 dps for keys by a big chunk. Thanks to wits being very OP and overturned. And they have crazy single target stuns, vanish/tricks to drop agro,brill deffensives, self heal etc
Yeah they might not use mass stealth, but there’s still way more to the class. The top 100 keys have 150 rogues, you do the math. They don’t double up rogues for 2x mass stealth. It’s for the bonkers damage and stuns.
erm that is so not true for trivial content.
Even m0 “meta” is somewhat dictated by MDI top kek team.
But hey, don’t trust my experience - try to queue on lowbies with the same ilvl:
DD pal
Prot war
And you ll see what I am talking about!
How unbalanced this game is
355 gear drop in heroic so i would say 355 min as M0 drops 370. Unfortunately people just wanted to be boosted through and so take the highest ilevel people to make it quicker
I cleared M+2 when I had 355…i don’t know what’s wrong with people, I mean LFG rofl what can you expect.
320 is enough for them.
Just make your own group and you can’t be denied, just don’t be a hypocrite and accept low ilvl as well.
Made my own groups at 280-290 ilvl lol just go with the flow
It depends really, yesterday I’ve boosted one of my friends through some mythic dungs and he was a newly fresh 120 mage with 260ilvl or something like that.
The tank was awesome (that happened to be me) and we’ve pug them choosing only clothes players. Well he was doing less damage than the healer but nobody complained because first I was the leader, second I was a 407 ilvl tank and they’re not easy to come by nowadays
So my tip for you is try asking some of your friend or do a group on your own. 366 it’s quite good as ilvl. And never, and I repeat NEVER give up applying for M0. There are a lot of people who just need to fill up the group by taking low levels.
Make your own group if you struggle to get in one, people are -very- picky and sometimes just wanna zerg old / out-dated content. as for optimal Ilvl…eh hard to say.
This. Just make a group, takes very little time to get it rolling. Specially ML due to engineering farms
Freehold, King’s rest and Underrot for mounts you might even find high level geared players.
Why would you assume an m0 rogue even has wits or deadshot? People at m0 just want what can boost them through I find.
Unless mount runs of course
I came back to wow after 7 yrs with 0 friends playing. Whenever I came across people I enjoyed playing with I asked to add them. Also I looked for a guild. I got into a decent guild thanks to a guy I leveled with in dungeons who was an alt. I’d suggest you to try build yourself s group of friends you can ask to go m0 with this way.
There is also a mythic plus friends discord, you may even find people there willing to run you through some m0 and teach you a few things
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