What is the optimal ILVL for 0 Mythic?

Not even Plus 1 or 2. Just normal, because i have been sitting with 366 Ilvl for around 3 days now and have been declined over and over, and i was wondering. Really?


Make your own group if you struggle to get in one, people are -very- picky and sometimes just wanna zerg old / out-dated content. as for optimal Ilvl…eh hard to say.

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I feel like you’re doing something wrong.

366 is more than enough I easily got into mythic 0 after searching for 5 minutes with 360-370 on my rogue.

Apply to groups that aren’t almost full looking for that last DPS.

Probably the one Blizzard suggests lmao

Rogue is a special case. Everyone needs a rogue, same thing with my rogue alt, was invited as 370 instantly.

OP, keep in mind it’s easier to get on the Horde side with lower ilvl than on Ally side.
My 2k Rio feral bud couldn’t get into Ally +10 keys, cause of low gear, but was insta invited on the horde side.

For Ally side best advice is to overgear massively or play responsible role ( tank , healer )

Just finish one m0 then make your own groups with the key you get, best way to gear imo unless you have someone to funnel you

You can quite easily do M0 with 325-330, but if you’re not that confident i would probably say at 350 it is easily doable.

At 366 you are more than geared enough, but people are not taking you because there are always better people in the queue. Just make a group yourself, that’s the easiest.
Also it is easier to get high geared players in dungeons where mounts drop.

People did M0 around 340ish. I suggest 360 is more than enough.

For what? In M0s no one was utilising anything rogue specific like shroud or CC, I was just doing DPS like anyone else.
A mage has good Aoe dps, strong CC and TW. They’re valued just as much among low tier content.

I can’t comment on the alliance issue but 3 days with 0 results? Or maybe it’s just that it takes them a while and they’re upset they’re not being approved fast enough? Just seems a little hard to believe is all.

I’ve sat in groups plenty of times with just me and one other person, often a healer, and we’re waiting a good 5 mins for a DPS to apply that isn’t a fresh song.

Ask ppl who took my 370 rogue to m0 FH and TD.
But my guess is shroud.

Mages are less desired than other classes. If they can replace you with a rogue, everybody will… Whether you are better or not it doesn’t really matter, people think rogues are better dps (which is true most of the times), plus they have shroud.

Have patience, someone will accept you sooner or later, try to build up a Rio score too, it will help a bit

Make your own group and you can be 280

Good luck in getting someone to join your group x’D

Just say you unequipped a few items for simming/transmog

You’re ilvl is fine, the groups you’re trying to join probably have people that want a run that is very fast so will be looking for those with a higher ilvl.

Another option is to create your own groups.

i can enter mythic 0 with 330 ilvl. its faceroll easy

Mhm, around 330-335 I’d say. At least that’s how I did it last time. Then hop to M+ around 360-65 while still doing some 0s for the Azerite pieces if still needed.

Just make your own groups, a FH and Underrot f.e. always attract players (finding a tank for Shrine can be a hell…). Or look for a nice guild? Running even newly dinged chars through some dungeons including M+ is not too uncommon.

I think last august we entered around 330 but now probably people will demand more!

What faction?

I would be happy to help you out with some runs in the evenings.

Feel free to add me:


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I’d say like 300ish?