What is the point for WM for Horde ?

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Stop being salty and respect others :slight_smile:

But he is right.

Not only you:

  • complain that others don’t play game like you want them to play,
  • don’t want to group up or learn how to avoid camps,
  • want to finally finish the quests in War Mode,
  • got so used to peaceful questing that you seems like lost an ability to adapt in 8.1

But you also suggest a solution that makes no sense because it won’t solve anything you have problems with.

News flash for you: You made your own conscious decision to turn War Mode ON and play with and against other players, not NPCs, in a sandbox environment without rules. Nobody owes you anything, you create your own fun with what you have and can get. If you don’t want to group up and/or learn how to avoid camps, and just want to

then you’ve made right decision:

Good luck! Have fun!


I actually made a suggestion about turning WM off in one of my posts:

keep it up

The biggest problem I have is knowing that the majority of players currently wouldnt be there without a 30% buff
I dont want a resource buff, this invites the raid farming pve-ers who lose to a raidgroup half their size and that a majority of the horde players wouldnt have been there without the 10% buff which also invited raidgroups of pve-ers which snowballed into a Alliance minority, atleast the 30%ers are scaring off the 10%ers but that still leaves 30%ers
30% Will snowball harder then 10% and Warmode for now might actually end up as 2 sides switching dominance every week where its either you get 10v40’d on Alliance or Horde depending on the weeknumber

TL:DR Warmode would have probably worked better with just pvp talents being useable in the outside world

Also screw the need for compensation, I had more fun in the small 1-3v1-3 fights between WQs then I did doing those WQs


In my personal opinion the dynamic buff is actually helping the case. Sure, the 10/30% will attract the “questing and herbing” folks but at least it gives a fighting chance for the minority faction.

Just look at both in-game(well at least on the shards I get) and the most recent forum posts? Horde are complaining about alliance bulldozing them trough? Seriously?.. before patch 8.1 never thought to see the day.

Before 8.1 warmo… hordemode was pretty much horde dominated all the way. Heck people would even give me weird looks when I said my horde char was wm off. “Why would you turn off free 10% buff?” And on alliance sometimes got an ironical question when I turned wm on: “Isn’t it faster to just jump off a clift or something? If you so want to die…”

Now if the buff makes it 1st week - alliance dominated, 2nd week - horde dominated, 3rd week - alliance again…and etc. I think…this is the closest thing to a “fair” yet… :smiley:

I dont know, I stay with my belief that it will be a pendulum with an extreme weekly swing because that’s what 10% did once it was static without a swing and didn’t provide anything extra for Warmode, if a fire was caused by a barrel of oil the solution is not causing fire from 3 barrels of oil at the Neighbours so we can all be equal in our equally burning homes, maybe I see it as worse then it is but if it isnt then we’ll probably see it happening after the first few weeks, I got the ‘resource will cause one side to dominate’ unfortionately correct already

Tbh IDK what warmode in normal shards were like, but most bulldozer complainers come from RP shards where the Alliance was a majority and got the minority boost because it was regional even tho our population is seperate and most of those shards often have a raidgroup up per zone, multiple ones if its an incursion

That being said, the system encourages not participating without the buff because nonparticipation is the only way to get the buff

this also

And i do not blame Alliance for taking advantage of the 30% buff tbh , THIS IS THE BEST TIME to farm that Warmode PVP mount for them , its much easier and faster for Alliance than for Horde ALSO whats better than getting that mount + slayer of Horde Title + getting revenge on us Horde for camping them since BFA start ??? I mean i made raid groups and camped Boralus right in front of PVP NPC house and get my self the mount right inside there city :stuck_out_tongue:

But on the other hand , for Horde :
I just finished an invasion in 5 min ! from start to end in just 5 min with no +10 Alliance camping me / chasing me around , life is EZ now for horde only if WM off

It’s not competition anymore when full 40 ppl raids farm for individuals. It’s quite odd to me. Usually, I attack Boralus and quickly the attack became like full raids vs full raids.
Last night I was trying to finish Assault as horde but there was full raid occupying the spots for its full period. Obviously I was ganked and died a couple of times. I moved on and finish all other WQs on the whole map. When I came back, they were still there! This raid was just not even interested in quest but killing single hordes. This is really madness. Obviously, I turned WM off because otherwise I couldn’t do anything.
When the patch 8.1 kicked off, I used enjoy more active PvP and I used to meet alliance 5+ ganking WQ spots. That’s ok. I called for help and quickly get ppl involved. Usually, we killed gankers, finished quests and moved on. That’s competition. What happens now is not even worth keeping WM on. I enjoy PvP and levelled all my alts through WM on on both horde and alliance side but this is not what I foresaw. Blizzard has idiots not developers. Alliance obviously use the full opportunity blizzard let them use to enjoy the game. It shows how badly everything is designed.

Yeah but at the same time its not a good kind of fairness and this kind of locks you into ever switching population imbalances

At the very least then removing the bonus, letting the populations stabilize and then having a quick look and see if incentives are neccesary to coax more of one side into the fray outside of flat resources probably sets a better base to work around for the future

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I got that title, and the conqueror of azeroth achievement as Alliance all in 8.0. And honestly, situation hasn’t really changed that much, it’s not that I’m running around and don’t meet any Horde anymore. Since the introduction of invasions, there are of course hot spots full of Alliance and Horde, both fighting each other, but that’s the point of WM.

And no, there are not only Alliance raids, I think most of the times, these are either solo-players or 5-ppl-groups, but just some more of them being at one hot spot by coincidence, giving the impression of “raids” where actually are no raids. But as I said before, if you stay long enough at a spot, you’ll see how faction domination switches forth and back from on faction to the other. It takes also time for Alliance to finish WQ, but that’s the point of the x%-bonus. It’s for those who spend more time doing WQ because they also do PVP (or being killed in PVP).

I’m not playing WM for the 10% or 30% buff, but for stealthing around, waiting for fights etc., for doing world-PVP.


And you’re here starting threads with for the same reason. The irony.

What do you think the horde have been doing for the last couple of months? the exact same thing lol…

Please dont cry little cow and learn how to play wow :slight_smile:

I started BFA on the horde side, and I have had WM on since day one.
I switched to alliance to actually have someone to fight, to get faster queue times.

Horde has always outnumbered me at every single worldquest - which is totally fine. This is what I signed up for.

Also, you don’t get kill credit towards the weekly quest when you are in a raid anymore. What you are seeing has nothing to do with WM bonuses.
It is either people just griefing at a world boss for fun, or people farming honor for the achievements (mount farm).

The 30% bonus is not permanent, and will drop when more alliance turn on WM. As long as its 30%, you will know that horde still outnumbers alliance . Read the patch notes before starting these weird complaints

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