What is the point for WM for Horde ?

You spoiled the Alliance yet again by giving them an advantage makeing them group up 40 V 1 against us ?

Guess who will turn WM off now?

Got no problem if its me V 2 or even give it a try me V 3 , but verses a whole raid group when i want to just finish a quest and leave this is just boring

Just turn Racial OFF in PVP at whole , this will balance it in ARENA and WORLD , but you just don’t wanna listen

WM off , thanks for breaking the game for Horde

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owww the sweet, sweet tears


Now Invation in Nazmir is up , guess which faction is getting ganked 40 V 10 on each quest site ???
WM off now finally can finish the quests


Come at me 1v1 anywhere any time , i will “SQUEEEZ” all the the oranges out of you until you call 39 alliance to help you


You wont have a chance to fight me, i’m afraid. You have wm off.


Sure , i will turn it on for you , just make sure you tell your buddies to stay out even if you get squashed but then again what i am saying you only PVP when you got number’s advantage Mr.Orange

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That was weird because until an group of 7-8 Allaince arrived me and 2 others were ganked for 15m on a invasion WQ by the same Horde people… It happens both sides. Weirdly enough the people in said group didn’t attack Alliance (or me) if slightly outnumbered or equal in numbers. But right, Alliance does it so make a thread because that isn’t how Hordemode is supposed to work.

this is why all Allied complained pre 8.1 to Blizz to the point that in Blizzcon blizz responded to alliance ???

Giving a faction an advantage over another is not fair , we will know Horde got better Racial than Alliance this is why blizz gave DarkIron Dwarfs an OP Racial but still Horde remain better , i think the only soultion here is :slight_smile:
TURN OFF RACIAL IN PVP , keep it only in PVE instances

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You said it already…

funny how your faction was on the same reviving end 2 weeks ago …

People don’t care about a working system, they just want to be on the favored side.

Right now Warmode can be equally broken for both factions. Most of the time it’s one side being trampled and the other one dominating. Not much in between. It just depends on which shard you happen to phase into.

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Except that I did not complain nor did I turn off WM…

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Yes, most time, one faction is dominating, but it’s switching every time. First 10-15 minutes, Alliance outnumber Horde, then Horde dominates. It’s very dynamic, because people start or finish quests, enter the hot spots or leave them… Some expansions ago, if a realm was unbalanced, you never had the chance to be on the winning side. In my opinion, Blizzard has done everything right with WM. World PVP primary intention is not to be fair, although you can also have fair fights or even Alliance and Horde questing peacefully together.

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Today , i was told by someone that World Boss is Drav is being capped by a whole group for 40 Allaince waiting for any Horde to 40 v 1 them lol

Yep , WM was a good call until blizz fix this

Today I was told by someone that some warriors in that thread has peanut brains. I’m pretty sure that people are speaking the truth.


Top kek, horde complaining about getting 40v1’d after having WM all to themselves since launch. Git gud kid, group up and l2p.

Can you not see the Hypocrisy in your Sentence, Kumikeijo?

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Well that’s how WM looked for Alliance.If it’s unbalanced now for horde next week horde will get +30%.

The real hypocrisy here is that Horde said the same exact thing I just did when any alliance complained about WM.

If Horde chars only need to be 1 person for world bosses… Nerf Horde!

Dude… It’s a world boss so of course there is going to be a 40 man raid there. This has nothing to do with the warmode changes.

Like, this would still happen to some Horde players if there were only 40 Alliance in the whole Warmode.