What is there to do?

Again that depends on your interests. For me I’m only just at the begining of my gearing.

If you feel done after having seen the raid once, there is nothing wrong with that. However, the content is there if people do want to engage in it. It would be unrealistic to have the game churn out a new raid every month for people who only want to do anything once.

People play at all sorts of levels and have a wide variety of interests. You just have to do what you want and wait for the next content cycle if you’re done quickly.

Is it attack of the clones? There was recently atleast 3 posts similar to this and all about “wow bad because (list of things that, streamers talk about all in one)”

Go for 30ish keys then?

or could it just be that the game has nothing outside of m+ and the raid and its no surprise the game loses a million subs every expansion for a decade now?

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Classic zones to current-day zones should take you a few weeks to months.



i guess we had a large sub increase when there was so much to do haha.
Turn on your brain

You might be just done (at least for now). This expansion is ideal for raid/m+ loggers. Open world is useless and therefore - dead. Maybe after all this isn’t a bad thing? Game allows you to break your addiction to it. Use this opportunity.

According to who? I wish I could play way more so thats your opinion mate. Its different for everyone and stating that “your not supposed to” is just wrong :slight_smile:


:smiley: hmm i’m having fun pushin keys already timed few 23 this weeks big HYPE
i’m really enjoying playing this game
i can’t wait for Leggo it will be blast

‘‘emerald dream outdoor content’’ can be done in a few weeks depending on your pace. other 4-5 months are just empty, 10.2.5 seems good but that’ll last 2-3 weeks too , at max. so at the end of a season an average player only gets to do one-two months worth of content which leads to a 2-4 months worth of content per year. the rest is just grind and i’m being generous here . most people done all the content in 10.2 in two weeks and it’s a major patch.

I find that the game distills into objectives from which different archetypes emerge. Most players sort of define themselves within one and their purpose for playing the game emerges as a consequence.

There are two primary archetypes:

The Completionist. Every quest, every shirt, every achievement, every raid, every difficulty, and everything else. It’s all on the to-do list of tasks that has to be done for the penultimate goal of having done everything and acquired all there is. The God-complex and the desire for 100%.

The Challenger. The goal is to beat the challenges within the game. So KSM, AOTC, Glad, and other construed feats of difficulty that exist. Every Season is a new challenge to beat.

These two archetypes differ in the sense that the completionist doesn’t really care when and how they beat a certain difficulty, they just want it completed alongside everything else. The challenger deliberately seeks to beat a difficulty because it is difficult and wants the challenge from that and doesn’t care much for anything else.
So that’s people on the forum with 40k achievement points versus RWF contenders.
And then the no-lifer is of course the person who tries to do both. Very few are able to sustain that approach to the game.

From these two archetypes there are several sub-types that players tend to settle on, because they’re more manageable.

The Collector. The goal is to collect something or anything that can be piled in a collection. So mounts, pets, transmogs, toys, and so on. It’s the never-ending carrot-on-a-stick chase. You settle on some McGuffin you want to collect, and then you pursue 100% of that thing. It’s a sub-type of The Completionist.

The PvPer. A sub-type of The Challenger, but limited to one aspect of the game – PvP, and sometimes limited even further to just Arena or BGs.

The Raider. Also a sub-type of The Challenger with a focus on raiding and progressing through and beating the difficulties, contenting either with AOTC or striving for Cutting Edge.

The Alt-o-Holic. A spawn of The Completionist, but with a focus on the gameplay, i.e. having done all the races, classes, factions, zones, or quests, or having everything at max level.

And there’s more, right? RPers, Pet Battlers, M+ers, Open World Solo players, Auction House players, and so on.

And every type seems to revolve around a pursuit of completionism or overcoming a challenge in the game, either broadly and loosely defined, or very particularly and concrete.
And everything Blizzard stuffs into the game is basically food for these arche-types. More stuff to collect, more stuff to do, more stuff to experience, more stuff to beat.

And the “I’m bored”-feeling tends to come when the pursuit of completionism or challenge feels meaningless. Why collect more mounts? Why do higher keys?
Once that WoW version of an existential crisis hits, then you’re done. Then it’s time to take a break or quit entirely. It’s a break if the urge to collect mounts or progress M+ keys re-emerges. If that motivation doesn’t reappear, then you’re quitting.

You are not a casual gamer, if you did all of that in that short amount of time. If you did all of that in under a month, then you can’t really get pleased at all, since you would eat up any content Blizz threw at you. :slightly_smiling_face: There are a lot more to do in WoW, and from what it looks like, it seems you speed run the specific content you mentioned.

In a game like WoW, you really need to be able to enjoy all aspects of the game, such as collecting, PvP or doing open world content… since only focusing on raiding or M+ (which I think is plenty time consuming in itself, if not speed run 🫵🏻👁️), is a very limiting mindset to have…

running m+ so you can get a higher item level so you can do the same dungeon again on a highe keylevel so you can get a higher item level to do the same dungeon again on a higher key level

great content

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Its always people with like classic chars or about 10k achives who say “nothing to do” there is plenty to do just things you do not like or can be bothered to do.

When you say it like that it’s the same BS as questing in classic or clearing ICC 15000 in 15 years etc.
same thing all over again
This game in it’s core is always the same stuff
go there kill this collect that
I strongly suggest that you change the game if you think there is nothing to do and this is your opinion on it :smiley:

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