What is this app?

How can a blizzard product be so bad? It’s almost as bad as Legion.

Constant lag, disconnects, missions not completing, app crashes. It annoyed so many people that they left a negative review… Majority of play store users do not leave reviews unless the app pesters you to do so, yet its so bad people went out of their way to review this horrible app by blizzard that accompanies a 12€/month game.


It works perfectly for me to be honnest,

What do you use as smartphone?

IPhone 15 you?

Oh is that the one being released next May?

I’m from the future

Using Samsung A20e .

Your seem pretty young, try to clean up memory and try again, if problem persist you should send error report .

ah does explain a hell of a lot then when it comes to your posts.

The problem isn’t mine. Google play store reviews. Many such cases

I find data speed makes a huge difference. On WiFi or 5G it’s fine, 4G it takes ages to open.

they must geolimit it then because not all countries have good internet

Blizzard does not have experience coding for phones so it is not a surprise.
Next time when they announce a new game on phone just let them so they can get experience. You obviously have a phone…

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That is a very strange thing to say since the app barely uses any data. In the beginning when it asks y ou whether you want to download 60 MB or 133, which did you pick?

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me 133mb a nd i have fast connection. not 1gbit but fast

4G is pretty bad where I live due to lack of capacity, it’s actually more like 3G speed.

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Oh my lord its getting worse and worse. My favourite past time is reading Google reviews of this fail app. :joy::joy::open_book:

I have to admit I didn’t have any problems yet either.

It’s not like I’m using the app much (maybe 5mins in the morning and evening to set up missions). But so far I didn’t encounter any crash, bug, whatsoever.

The only thing I dislike about it is that I can only use it while logged out. But that’s a design decision, not a bug / bad coding.

Haven’t encountered any problems with it myself. Been using it regularly throughout BfA and Legion, and now in Shadowlands too. With the changes to the app after the pre-patch, the loading times between switching characters significantly improved, so I’ve only seen improvements recently.

The new mission table system itself and the fact that the maps don’t fit the screen, I have issues with, but similar to Shadazzle’s point these are design decisions and not technical bugs.

You two should leave a review :joy:

Like anything else, people who are satisfied/don’t have complaints tend not to bother leaving reviews. Reviews tend to come from those who LOVE something or those who have a really bad experience. But reading the bad reviews is much more fun, I’ll give you that! :grin:

personally speaking many bugs have been fixed like upgrading armor>crash (legion) :slight_smile: it seems they do listen to feedback. albeit late

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