What is this?

I know that this issue has been addressed before in the past and that there’s been a topic regarding this subject already, but it’s genuinely mind-boggling to see that people still think that it’s alright to say the things they do. I am unsure whether or not this is classed as straight-up homophobia, but I must say, it rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t think something like this should be said OOC in private, never mind in public.


I am not sure why this is an issue to some, as my OOC gender and sexuality has nothing to do with my character, they’re a separate entity, and I can tell you what was said before the screenshot had nothing to do with what this person said OOC. Just a bit of a laugh and a normal conversation, then POP! This came out of nowhere, seemingly. What, and why is this still going on? Has anyone else encountered this? This was my first day roleplaying the character, by the way, and I’m baffled.

I also receive this treatment if I’m roleplaying on my female characters. If I am seen speaking too or hanging out with other women, I’m automatically accused both IC and OOC of being an ERPer and I must be a lesbian because I have other female friends, as if it’s some sort of wicked fantasy that all girls that hang out with other girls are automatically lesbians.


There’ll always be people that go “noooo you can’t play something you’re not irl nooooo” and that see a character that isn’t straight or cis or what have you and assume it’s some sort of fetish, or that’ll even assume that something they see is related to as much.

Ignore them, they’re the losers that are weirdly projecting or something lol - it does happen too frequently unfortunately but these people just aren’t worth your time


These guys are not super common, but they do pop up time to time and just reek of Gamer™.

I will copy Adelais and say they are losers!

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The caveat of the server’s anti-ERP ‘crusade’ in the past few years is that it can lead to some people using ERP accusations as clout, and people in general being over zealous to the point of stalking, obsession, and other unhealthy endeavours all on the suspicion of discovering ERP.

This situation in particular reeks of misogyny. You’re under no obligation to play any gender or sexuality of character based on who you as a person are; and the fact said person is speaking ((OOCer in /say)) tells you enough about them. Sorry you had that weird situation; whether it’s the norm or not, it shouldn’t be.


It reminds me heavily of that old trope of “If your woman character shows off any piece of skin/isnt wearing gloves, they are obviously just erp bait!!!”

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Hey, stop playing that nightborne of yours. You weren’t trapped in a magical city for ten thousand years, so you don’t have the right to play an elf and you’re just fetishizing shal’dorei culture.


More on-topic, though, there is a stereotype of “men playing female characters.” And it’s a stereotype, not some matter of fact. I think all of us have seen TRPs where there’s just a little too much attention drawn to the hips, breasts, and other features where it can often read as quite uncomfortable and fetishized, but there is nothing inherently wrong with playing a character that represents a gender that you are not IRL. In fact I think it’s something that should be encouraged: A good character is a good character regardless of what they identify as, or what biology they have.

Don’t let some randomer talking OOC in brackets get you down, OP. I’d wager you’re a better and more considerate roleplayer than them.

Also I’m an idiot and misinterpreted the image, but I think the point still stands when reversed.


So, I want to play the devil’s advocate and say that they were just trying to call out popular RP trends that usually mark a poor RPer on this server, but even if that could be argued for, it is poorly worded and inappropriate.

While I have pretty strong opinions on certain RP circles that follow certain tropes myself, it’s never going to be about who is doing what, it’s always going to be how they do it and why. And even if you have grievances with another player’s RP, it’s common decency to not throw accusations around and try starting conflict on public channels, especially not right in the middle of RP, with the ever so lame /s (lulz, insserting OOC text into the speech bubbles for max breaking of immersion).

So nah, that’s not the sort of behaviour that should be tolerated on any level. Immediate ticket to the ignore list.

Yes, I find myself excessively attracted to the concept of manabuns, what about it? What are you gonna do about it huh?

(but precisely my point)

Yeah the given context of OP just being talking in RP with another woman kind of adds a spicy little flavour of “super cool chad bro alpha male character’s player gets mad that all the resident females™ don’t drop everything they’re doing to admire him” imo because ho boy those sure are there as well


I have encountered two (women) players who portrayed a homosexual relationship between male characters that I would describe as fetishising, but given that only one example stands out to me is a pretty clear sign that it’s the exception and not the rule.

The person quoted in the screenshot seems like they’re probably a massive :clown_face: and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an issue they have with both women and homosexuals.


I, as a highly skilled assasin rotting corpse who wields purple magic IRL, agree with that statement.


People need to mind their own business and stop shaming people for roleplaying what they like (I am not backing up ERP on this as it is disgusting).


Some people are lame and you should just ignore and maybe report them and move on. I’m sorry you had this experience.

What is this you ask? Somebody being a butt, simply put. People are too quick to judge on here for a start. Second, so what if a char is gay? Third? Smells like somebody has issues (them).

Regardless of OOC and IC gender and sexuality, there’s a bunch of “romance” RP that has an immediately apparent very low effort and poorly executed plot.
Sure, we can point fingers at female players having male characters with profiles that are very indiscreetly trying to say their characters are super hot and everyone should want to sleep with them. But there are also male players with female characters doing the same thing, and a bunch of different variations.

Imo, we shouldn’t be pointing at certain trends, we should be calling out poor quality RP whenever appropriate, regardless of who is playing the character that is poorly written.
In the case of the OP’s reference, as they said, they’ve barely been playing the char for a day, so unless their TRP or RP style is really, and I mean really telling, then I highly doubt the sender of that message knows what they’re even talking about. And even then, as I said above, that is not the way to handle bad RP.

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How was your character’s sexuality evident to the onlooker to make that remark?

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Well, that side of things really isn’t my business. I’m not the arbiter of what is / isn’t good or well-written roleplay.

I think you’re trying to respond to a point I haven’t made, unless I’m missing something. My post made it clear that I don’t think there’s an issue with women roleplaying homosexual men (because as a rule there isn’t).

We should only call out roleplay that’s offensive / inappropriate, unless that’s what you define solely as ‘bad RP’. If someone’s just having fun, doing their thing, and not forcing it on anyone then there should be nothing to call out.


It’s like going to a Shakespear theatre and getting mad at the male actors playing women characters lol.


Yeah nah. People are allowed to play gay characters that appear gay; queer people often take their sexuality seriously and it can shape much of their identity. Could be as much as flirting with another man; as little as mentioning their husband.

Either way, the person behind the character isn’t really anyone’s business.


This + there’s just a bunch of chuds who get mad when feeeemaaale characters aren’t interested in their gigachad character in a sexual way

Assuming this is Stormwind(?) there’s a whole bunch of those lmao