What is up with blitz mmr!

i just won 3 games in a row and got like +20 and then lost the 4th and got -20 so i have to win 5-1 to climb or what?

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It’s bugged. The MMR system is whacked, and it also rewards for you for DCing. You lose rating but your MMR doesn’t change.

yeah , i’ve heard that also. also ppl are talking more and more that there are Discord teams that sync Q and manipulate most of the games. at this point i think that is real posibillity.

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Doesn’t surprise me. Last few games I’ve played at around 2.8k MMR have been very much the same people over and over again.

I’d imagine a lot of the top PvPers all know each other to some degree and will hop on discord together to coordinate wins.


its not worth the time investment

blizzard finally killed pvp


Welcome to the club :wink:

ofc they do

Also play against each other regular, the top guys are at like 3k mmr so they play against each other because it’s their mmr? Same as 2k mmr vs 2k mmr

Players did.

Its almost seems like they want to put you on hamster wheel, like its happening in league of legends, you will run the wheel and pay subscription.


yeah, but at this mmr level, its easier to que against each other, with leads to easier access to wintrade.

people look for the easiest way to have an advantage

I play near this mmr and dont see it
people say that avidance guy trades but i dont see that either. When i get him he types a strat and tryhards. Hes really good at the game and duo queues the 2 best specs in the game so he wins a ton.

I’ve honestly yet to see anyone throwing like that
 occasionally people make mistakes, wrong call, brain afks, that kinda stuff. But like the dude above me says, these guys seem to just want to win from when I’ve played in their games, especially avidance, ace, bicmex, ziqo
 quite a few

on mains yeah, on alts its more of an "bnet friend help or help for rmt/gold

rbg has been the biggest wintrader bracket for years, bg blitz wont change it

same for tank solo shuffle, so many wintrades happend there too

I did see this on twitch mainly rogues ‘boosting’ healers to an extent, other than a really good rogue I’m not sure what else has such an impact on a game

That’s called Premade.

Happened to me as well. I started fresh on the season I had 6-0 and my MMR didnt flinch I kept queueing with 1390+ mmr and my team was always lower than the enemy team and i dont understand WTF is going on
 after that i did 7 straight loses
 Like my mmr did not even FLINCH for 6 wins in a row which is incredibly stupid and unfair cause i am stuck in the pit of casuals I cant even climb
 its different playing solo shuffle were u have a bit control and may or may not carry the game but its not possible to carry an entire bg alone

Rogues, FM and MW now is a huge impact. I play BG and it was 2 smart rogues + me as Feral
 we completele destroy enemies. Win BG.

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