What is up with the state of PvP?

So im trying to get back into healer, and what the actual living dissapointment is this ?

Can’t even go a single second without getting perma 70% slowed followed up by like 5 different micro CCs in a row without even being able to cast a single ability.

HOW is this enjoyable for anyone ?


Post a replay if you want advice. There is a lot of micro cc. But Iam sure someone on this forum can still point out some mistakes that help deal with them

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Sometimes you can deal with the micro cc etc however at the end of the day it doesnt change the fact casting is extremely frustrating and and well he refered to the game not being fun rather than not being able to win against it. For example when i played against rogues (and well any melee actually) last expansion it doesnt matter if i won or lost it was the most miserable experience and i wanted to alt F4 after every single one.


I dont really record my games, perhaps I should. But my main point is what Yzzie said:

Trying to get back into pvp after having a break since BFA feels just impossible. We all know the lack of healers, and the reason is painfully obvious.


It’s not.

There are WAY TOO MANY interrupts, gap closers, gap openers, and there is far too much CC.


Slows definitely seem to have got worse in TWW.

Everything has, feels like i spend more time cced than I do playing the game.