What is up withe greed in the AH?

Hmmmm… I listed a few Augment runes on the AH, the other day, they didn’t sell… unlikely to bother again, will just use them myself.

Tbh. it should cost even more. The prices right now are really low compared to how they were in legion, 1 flask was always 2-3k in Legion and now they are below 1k.
What’s really expensive are the Darkmoon trinkets right now because pretty much every other trinket sucks. They were selling for 800k the first few weeks of BfA while being easy to make and the trinkets still cost 30-50k now.

Flasks were always underpriced~ I dont remember a time where it was better to make them over selling herbs.

I’m gonna get a lot of heat if I say that everything is cheap on my server, so let me just put it this way: everything that is BfA related is on a steady decline. Every time I list something I have to list it below the price I last time listed it.

I’m not saying things are cheap, I’m saying that prices are dropping heavily.

Flasks are barely above 500g on Silvermoon.

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It is not greed, when you introduce purchaseable money into a game, honestly earned money become nigh worthless.


Hmmm… that does tend to happen anyway, as an Expansion progresses… but still interesting, since it is still quite early in BfA’s cycle… although if you are on a very high population Realm, that might amplify the effect.

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Welcome to an unregulated capitalist market with no restrictions on the amount of currency in circulation at any given time.

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Ye I also think it’s a natural progerss for a degree. As the expansion continuous prices usually go down. But I don’t think this is the only reason. Playing on a high-pop realm probably magnifices this but crafting is pretty much useless at this point. Enchants go for the value of their raw material costs. Profit in those is non-existent.

But I think there is another reason that I didn’t mention yet. At the end of Legion, everyone was swimming in easy-made gold. We didn’t really need anything essential at that point and we spent our gold on “luxurious” items. Mounts, tmog, vanity recipes things like that. But as BfA hit gold became much rarer.

I see a lot of people struggling with gold. Those are all potential buyers who just cannot afford it. Everyone is trying to make gold, hence a lot of sellers. But not everyone can afford to buy, so fewer buyer. You can see this in vanity items mostly. Their prices dropped down quite heavily.

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profs are pretty much useless so mats are the way to generate cash. Ah farmers and scumbags like that using auto buying addons kill off any chance of profit or supply bottlenecks and then decide what price the ah has for mats and control such a vast amount of the mats that you cant beat em. Which is why your ah prices are sky high.

Personally, id ban anyone buying more than 3 of the same item at a time or give people the option of listing their products as “not resellable on ah” so that you know youre selling to someone who will be using the mats and not just an ah scammer. Anyone who buys your “not resellable” items cant relist them on the AH ever again.

Looks like someone need a 101 leason in economics and inflation.

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The OP also fails to take in account the current difficulty with regularilly getting enough anchor weed, which also keeps prices high. But once you have r3 of a flask, it will be easier to fabricate them.

Though compared to flasks in legion. There, you had complete ease of gaining all the herbs needed for flask making. But you were at the cruel lash of RNGesus for getting the covetted r3 recipe. Which would make flask production go through the roof. And considered a major pita to attain, but many crafted endless amounts of legion flasks to try to get them. Sinking product prices.

Here in BFA the difficult aspect once again lays in the ‘lotus’ like of old. Though come 8.1, alchemists gets an anchor transmute. Most likely once a day, but fairly cheap, 5 herbs of each type.

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Gear inflation the usefulness of a flask / gear ratio reduces as the patch nears it’s end. They will go back up when the new raid comes out because of the “every little helps” mentality and probably become meaningless (unless give a boost) a few weeks into it.

2 alchemist here, so that means 60 free anchor weed weekly, aslong as I don’t have all the pets I keep making a pet sack weekly on both of them. No more days where you encounter close to none or none at all, then 1 days 4 in a row. The rng is now less.

If they added a checkmark like windows does with files for read only that could help with resellers who buy the stuff and then sell it on at a highr price to control the market.

I would cite the first big step to the Auction House supporting exorbitant valuations was during Cataclysm, when a currency was allowing players to purchase Epic items (from memory, I remember Wrist items) that did not Bind when Picked Up, allowing for the effective valuation in Gold terms of said currency. While I do not dispute that Bind on Equip items were made available before this, they were very rarely of Epic Quality.

Then, Transmogrification was implemented, which saw certain ranges of Armour items soar in popularity - due to the looks they offered - making their values do exactly the same.

Subsequently, the Auction House has fostered inflation rates typically only seen in certain lesser developed countries as well as the occasional country will quite highly developed culture/lifestyle.

While the Auction House valuations go uncontrolled by any in-game source, values of some items, many of which are consumables, will continue to rise beyond the reach of an increasing number of players.

i think you misread what I said. Let me clarify. It takes 5 of each of the six basic herbs to make it. And the sole comment on it reads that they got 10 anchor weed from it.

Look up Transmute Herbs to Anchors on ptr.wowhead com

Thats when you take up Herbalism, which have proven itself the highest grossing gathering skill in two expacks now.

My Herbalists defy this trend, only sourcing their wares for self-sufficiency; I choose not to use the Auction House for this purpose, but would never begrudge others doing so, if they so choose.

I do admit to sourcing some BfA Ore quantities for profession levelling, due to a small excess of currency I allowed myself, I largely source my materials through my own gathering; even to the extent of stockpiling older variants for later use or by others whose need may exceed my own.

Mind you, herbs you gather is not free. You lose the opportunity cost in not selling them. Especially when mindful that in many cases the finished products sells for less than the costs of the raw mats.

silly, entire idea of selling flasks is, they proc and you get 20 instead of 1 and that’s profit :joy: