What is up withe greed in the AH?

Well in Legion people would make flasks in obscene amounts trying to get the covetted r3 recipes, but making so many that the prices sunk.

That would require me to value my time & wares gathered at higher than their use to me, as Alchemist and Scribe (in respect of Herbs)ā€¦ which I never will.

I find no pleasure in any aspect of life, real or digital, where my progress requires the demise or detriment of others &/or their well-being; I am one who will happily forego a Quest kill, should I feel that othersā€™ need is more urgent than my own, and have often done so, in the past.


Not like quest kills matters anymore with shared tags.

Still; it is an ethic I stand by, albeit old fashioned.

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You misunderstand what people are doing:

Basically if you collect herbs and then sell the flasks for lower than the herb sell costs, you now also have other alchemists as customers while simultaniously screwwing their business over and can thus make money at a far faster rate, likely by multibox herbing.

When your raw materials cost more than the finished product they make, the manufacturing industry call this loss-leadingā€¦ as a counter to said practices, you need to make a product to shore up your cost expenditure.

There you go, I rarely ever even put flasks on the ah nowadays. Compared to putting pots itā€™s not worth it at all. Only if I get like a proc of 5 or something like that.

Yes ofc it will go up when the new raid is close to release, as with every consumable, but itā€™s not gonna skyrocket to like 5k, most likely it will only increase by like 1k for a couple of weeks, if that.

The prices are gonna drop even more if they introduce something like the Blood of Sargeras currency vendor in BfA as well since itā€™s gonna be easier to get mats then.

Even in Legion once the blood vendor was there, Starlight Roses proved to be incredibly valuable for the life of the expack. And herbs have value to both alchemists and scribes.

I didnt make much in draenor and legion; bc i was away for a few years. I was pretty rich before those expansions. When i came back, it seemed everyone was that rich. So there you have it. Throwing that much gold into the game, feeds inflation; just like real life.

And another example (ive mentioned it here b4 on forum); goldrains:
LK: Chopper crafting mats; 12.5 k. Traveling tundra mammoth; 10k
Forgot what we had for cata.
Panda; Grand expedition Yak: 120k
Draenor: err?
Legion; Spider: 2 mil
BFA; Brutosaur: 5 mil.

You can draw a line right on these and see the inflation.

Its not the tokens imo. They have been half what they were before BFA (from ~350k down to ~170k) for as long as bfa is here now. The reason they went down is bc B did not give players massive amounts of gold through missions and such. So that ended the buying of tokens for quite some of them, who now have to seek other (traditional) ways to make gold. And a lot dont want to do that, bc it often is tedious and long. There have been several posts here on forum of ppl complaining they are bleeding gold (having less, instead of more), which is prolly why B a month ago added the 2k emissary reward that pop ups every now and then).
Having less gold means; cannot buy tokens with gold > lower token price. So B, by not granting so much ā€˜freeā€™ gold anymore, is limiting the inflation. And that is a good thing imo.

Itā€™s because of the increased gold cap and increased mount prices.
And for some reason people want to hoard mounts and in order to get those expensive mounts they need gold and instead of making that gold with a honest day of work they just overcharge anything they can.

Cata had the Sandstone drake transmute. 39k Vendor mats + reagents worth at least 4-5k.
MoP also had the Engineering rockets (~50-60k IIRC), Engineering shredder (no idea about price), 4 lower JWC panthers (~25k) and the higher JWC panther (~100k)
Draenor had the Garn mount NPC who dropped one tradeable mount on kill but required a small raid initially (group later). Price started high but eventually dropped to 3k. Then, the holiday yeti (believe it started at 50k-ish).
BFA - 8.1 will add three frog mounts at 333.333g each + thereā€™s the 0,5M direhorn as well

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MoP crafted mounts have the annoyance of requiring motes of harmonyā€¦ easier to farm by soloing SoO now, in addition to ā€˜realā€™ Farming via the Tillers, as a source.

Goblin Shredder is expensive, because there is a one per day, crafted Engineering partā€¦ and you need x30 of them.

Black JWC Panther is expensive because you have to make, then use ALL the other JWC Panthers as mats, to create it (that was painful).

Heres the irony people i am an Accountant but i still dont understand wow Economy cause its one big poop show to me cause i cant apply real life Economics to this poopshow of wow Economy so i ask you all how to make gold using Alch and Herb and what makes the most gold cause im getting poor in the game on account that i cant sell anything i get undercut everytime by some random guy putting stuff that i put on 100g for example he puts to 50 then i put to 30 then someone puts to 10g FML. :unamused: i dont understand wow Economy at all and i am a freaking accountant.

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Generally the higher the population on your server, the harder it is to make goldā€¦ normally the easiest way, is to focus exclusively on gathering ore, herbs, de mats (ideally two of those, on the same character) at the beginning of an Expansion and ignore levelling other Professions, until later.

Another often overlooked thing, which might seem very obviousā€¦ try to spend as little as possible, particularly on any gear enhancements before you hit LFRā€¦ although if you want to do Raid and Mythic PLUS progression, this will be a problem, not to mention the hefty repair bills that involves.

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Aha i got you just sell Herbs and ores is the way.I see you know D-way.And i cant include links yet so i wanted to put ugandan Knuckles meme.

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No worries.

Yep, you can make a lot of gold with max stacks of mats in the opening months of an Expansion, it will then become a slow downward slide in prices, as the Expansion progresses.

To be honest most of the crafting professions, I have generally found are more useful for making items for your own charactersā€¦ itā€™s more difficult to make money off those items on the AH.

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this is simply untrue.

main different in case of flasks is amount of herbs needed for each flask/pot .

compare number of flowers needed to create one with the price . then

Yupā€¦ Orlen mentioned, that the spawn rate for a particular herb in BfA is a problemā€¦ bit like Titanium in WotLK and black Trillium in MoPā€¦ since I havenā€™t leveled an Alt (including my Alchemist) since WoD, I wasnā€™t aware of that, and it does of course change matters.

Why didnā€™t my gold inflate? :triumph: Iā€™m sitting on measly 40k.