What is wpvp in wm?

To me, wm wpvp is no rules, anything goes, gank, be ganked, solo, group, random, outnumbered, outnumberer, player versus player in open world. Love it.

To others, wpvp is specific types of interaction between players. And different players have different interactions on their list of what’s not wpvp.

Is wpvp literally player versus player in open world, meaning any player versus player interaction = wpvp?

Or is wpvp a specific set of pvp interactions, that are different from player to player?

Or is it all wpvp, and it’s just about what an individual considers to be good wpvp, that they in particular enjoy?

Poor blizz, having to design a game mode that covers all the different preferences. Can’t be easy. I think they did a great job. But I am biased cos I love random sh… ! :+1:

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To me wpvp is a chaotic world with no rules (but you know this well).

Seems most complains about wpvp (and the game in general even) come from a type of players with a focus on "me". "don’t you just love to outnumber me 10 vs 1?" And then it is covered in phrases like "where is fairness in this?" "Doesn’t ally/horde love 1v1?" Generalizing is a common tactic to cover a hurt ego, but the real emotions can be perceived easily through generalizing.

Another "ego" problem of some people is to gather a group to fight back. They feel that if they start gathering a group they admit they’re weak and can’t deal with it alone. Instead: "Where is the fair 1v1 fight??"

Poor Blizzard, I feel they must employ a team of psychologists to analyze their player’s complexes, which stop the players from enjoying the sandbox open world.

Thankfully there are exceptions, yesterday one brave person attacked a group of allies on an invasion WQ. He managed to kite us for some time and tried to flee, but was found and heavily humiliated by each of us (you get my meaning). But I don’t see a new post here about injustice and bad game balance, which means the person is normal. Good that we still have them.

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WPvP used to be about thrills and the smal scale zone battles of a few individuals banding togheter. Sure ganking occured, but not in the hunt for achivements or quests. In the good old days only the meek and pathetic were corpse camping.

Now it’s just all about sneaking rogues and druids or getting steamrolled by raids/groups who’s sole purpose are either to complete some quest(call to arms) or to get the WPvP achivements. This certainly broke the whole fantasy of WPvP from my PoV.

WM whould be alot better if there were acctuall objectives or world related interactions tied too it. Heck even the towers in Hellfire Peninsula/around Auchidoun back in BC had a better interaction with WPvP then these call to arms and achivement BS which just promotes corpse camping a poor little turtle or terrorizing the flightmaster in some remote village. :roll_eyes:

The revamped zones of the warfronts could had been great places for these sort of WPvP interactions. Maybe taking and holding objectives etc. could had speed up the contribution cycles or w/e. A little bit of a wintersgrasp feeling on the side of the acctuall scenario to get a extra true PvP battle related to the whole system.

Sure there will be something in Nazjatar… but I still think blizzard wasted alot of effort not involving the whole world in some sort of “warmode” related things given warmode are one of the expansion features in a sense. Instead they gave us a PvE buff, which in simple terms just slightly speeds up the weekly conquest and Azerite grind.

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  • WPvP was about the purposeful seeking out of player vs player fights in the open world. Emphasis on fights and not kills. WPvP was about player-centric challenge that a programme cannot provide.

It was not done to simply fill a quota of bodies.

Ganking was done with the assumption that 90% of targets would fight back giving a good fight. Group fights and kill squads roamed with the assumption that they’d be eventually opposed by reasonably equal response, not swamped by triple numbers.

Major strangleholds would be dealt with by those within the server or server group.

Names were known and reputations made.

  • WPvP in War Mode now is a thoughtless, emotionless farm-fest. It’s all about kills rather than the fight. Doesn’t matter how you get it.

WPvP in War Mode is about the quest not the player vs player challenge. There is no soul. You’ll fight, win and lose to people you’ll never meet again.

There is no community. No true reason to fight anymore. The best reasons to PvP in the open world is gone. No point in flexing skill if you’ll never meet the person again.

I have been voaching for something like this for a long while. If you want an objective driver for WPvP then give players something to fight over instead of just filling a quota.

Imagine Towers/Mines/Homesteads/Strongpoints/etc across Azeroth that were all capturable. Each point generates points that are then converted into currency in a weekly WPvP chest based on your Factions efforts and your contribution over the course of the week.

You could have leaderboards, brackets, and so on. A reason to strive to be the best. Rewards would be similar to Titan Residiuum. Saving up would grant pvp-centric gear.

One major thing that would be required would be the reduction of War Mode shards. Bring it back down to a single server or server group. Different groups could form to continually keep the Factions even. Guesting would be possible.

We need to bring back Heart into WPvP

It wasn’t like this when I started playing (end of TBC). I was in a realm dominated by Alliance, played Horde then and we were always outnumbered. I don’t remember people complaining a lot though.

IMO in wpvp in general one can’t expect a “reasonably equal response”. The opponent might call 3, 13 or 39 more people. Such expectations can lead to further delusions, one more step and we might start to qq “where is the fair 1v1 fight”.

I also kinda disagree about fight vs kill. I can’t imagine someone to fight without an end and admire the beauty of the fight itself. Where is the win if we don’t kill? Or maybe I don’t understand your point well.

I agree about wpvp objectives, we need something to fight over. But I also like the wpvp achievements.

Community is long ago dead and buried, because of crz it will not come back. There’s small chance to have a community feel from wpvp communities (heh), but only kinda, wouldn’t say they are very active.

The current wpvp situation however is still a huge step forward. Blizzard gave attention to wpvp for the first time since woltk. War mode is why I keep playing, otherwise would unsub. Things can be improved, we can make suggestions. I am personally very happy Blizzard decided to bring wm; be it even for a quota of bodies, it’s still quite something, compared to the nothing we had in the past.

Capturable objectives are apparently coming in 8.2. Not sure what form they’ll take, but should be fun.

WPvP, is always going to mean something different to different players. Partly because it’s an open pvp system, no rules, allowing many different scenarios in a fight, unlike arena bgs. This lack of rules, gives us opportunity to imagine our own rules, defining wpvp for the individual. Our perception on success or failure of wm, is going to depend on our perception of what is wpvp. And also how we perceived wpvp before bfa. Other forms of pvp like arena are simple in comparison, they are a straight fair fight. Where wm has potentially many many variables in a fight.

Each little wpvp variable is a potential like or dislike, building up to an overall opinion of wpvp in wm. If we look back at forum posts pre bfa, we’d see complaints about ganking, etc. But also complaints about lack of wpvp. Now we have it! But do you consider it wpvp? In wm, wpvp has no rules… if you don’t like that, should blizz change wm? Or should you change?

Okay, so part of what is wpvp is community.

Ally community
I wpvp with my community members. For me, I feel more wpvp communiity than before bfa. It’s a small community though, target is to compete with lfg, except with players you know. Not there yet. But can sometimes have enough for a party size group for wpvp fun. And the important thing is, doing it again and again with the same players, rather than randoms. Shared experiences over time, awesome.

The community feature was a great addition to wow. I tried making a wpvp guild pre bfa, too small a pool of players on my old Defias server. With communities, and region wide players, it’s much easier to build a niche community. I just need to get better at it!

Enemy community
I use an addon called Spy with a kill on sight list to keep track of opponent names. If it didn’t alert me when they are near, I’d probably think I wasn’t seeing the same names. But even with the wm sharding, my KoS alert pops often. And that helps me maintain my grudges, which is an important part of community.

Some will disagree with this type of addon. Blizz are happy with it though. Memory could also do the job. But for me, it does help me recognize enemy players more often. Without it, I’d assume my wm shards were always random players.

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