What is wrong with the Forum

Jesus this place is dead. Is there anyone else here still active besides myself?

Not many reasonable people find it in them to take WoW’s lore seriously enough to care about after SL. So… yeah, there you are.

And while DFs looming lore might be fun enough to play with, we haven’t really seen much in the way of emotional highlights, except the annual Night Elf sacrifice to the gods. Discussing the usual retcons and vague hints is more fun when you have benefit of the dount left to give, so that’s a no. And the usual faction bashing and elven squabbles aren’t getting any fuel right now. So yeah, expect it to be quiet for a while, with occasional bouts of scandal.


Goes to show how many people care about WoW’s story. There is no one will make thread or simply put it on general discussion to draw bigger attention.

I would make a topic about alliance bias again but I have the feeling that nobody would read it.

Devs make a story, that any side of the game, hate it. Sylvanas after so many expansions spotlight, got broken end and lore itself.

Think people are iust bored of WoW forums. These rarely a reason to rly be here.

Well, because most of the posters do not have TL3, but they should remove TL3 that we could show pictures and gifs in regardless

Yep, it’s sad.

The US story forum is still quite full though, and they talk about everything, including faction war discussions (and Erevien has a lot more fun there as there are a lot more passionate Alliance players than here, for example there are still discussions about Lordaeron and Stromgarde and where the new Night Elf capital will actually be).

Plus, Blizzard actually read those forums, and take their opinions into consideration…recently Steve Danuser himself replied to a US thread about the timeskip (it will be a 3 years old timeskip as Dragonflight will happen in year 40 and Shadowlands ended in year 37 apparently) clarifying stuff about numbers and the chronology between WoW expansions… so even the higher ups of Blizzard read and write in the lore threads of the story forum there, actually)


The devs don’t read the EU forums these days, they haven’t at least for a very, VERY, long time and I doubt we have any blues monitoring the story forum like we used too back in Vanilla/TBC. Those days are gone.

The US forums are full of hyper partisan twitter types, stereotypes ranging from tumblr activists to more vapid posters like ResetEra users. That’s more the devs speed, they don’t actually want to engage with people that might challenge or disagree with their ideological tinkering and awful writing. The US story forums most popular poster is a genuinely schizophrenic black supremacist that makes wild, outlandish, ridiculous assertions about the races in a blatant effort to promote American race bait politics while being openly racist, discriminatory, derogatory etc against europeans and trans people. It’s honestly pure mind rot yet he’s probably the most regularly upvoted poster there. It’s like an exaggerated imageboard caricature of Blizzards modern fanbase but it’s actually real.

Those are the people the retail devs seriously listen/want to cater too. That being the case why on earth (especially with Shadowlands and BFA to an extent being a trash fire) would anyone who’s mildly aware of what’s going on want to waste time discussing this? The majority of the RP community has just up and quit for games like FFXIV or returned back to places like roll20.

I can’t speak for everyone but the general sentiment among my friends is that the lunatics have taken over the asylum. They’re either playing Classic or FFXIV. Typically both.


To me, their seems to be a conflict of interest between what the US posters say/want and what the EU posters say/want.

I am known for being a big Blood Elf fan, but I LOVE the character of Maiev Shadowsong. She’s probably my 2nd favorite character because she isn’t perfect. She is racist. She is problematic. She embodies vibes that the US forum posters, would hate - but by all that’s holy, it’s characters like Maiev that drive the narrative forward in an interesting way.

EDIT: With everything Sylvanas did and Maiev’s known problems with Thalassian Elves, specifically the Blood Elves, I would love to see a smaller conflict between Sin’dorei Blood Mages and Kaldorei Wardens.

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While there are definitely EU posters that struggle to discern fiction from reality or genuinely believe it can be harmful to have these concepts in a fictional story, I think the clear majority of it is coming from the echo chamber American posters have fostered on their story forum and WoW twitter in general. Regardless of them though the writing/dev staff seem to have an ideological slant on par with them that they refuse to back down on… Despite them playing FFXIV a game with very “taboo” concepts. I’ve expressed what you have said many times over myself to the point where honestly I don’t think I can even properly write about it anymore because it feels so draining.

The only way I can really describe the modern writing would be unfettered blandness, it’s completely sterile to the point of ridiculousness. Characters like Grommash, Daelin, Maiev, Illidan, all of whom are varying shades of grey are far more interesting than any recent character they’ve conjured. When I think of what really defined Warcraft it’s books like the Last Guardian, Lord of the Clans, Rise of the Horde or the short story Unbroken. I still feel sad thinking about a side character like Korin all these years later. I can’t even remember the name of the new arbiter in Shadowlands but I can promise you I’ll never forget Korin.

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