What is wrong with WOW Designers!?

I don’t get how a company can create a wonderful game and great characters and beautiful worlds and fill it full of junk content quests. This is WOW like in World of Warcraft! I want to manage my own followers even from previous expansions. HELL I want platoons of archers, heavy infantry, knights on horse back, spear men, healers, cavalry and siege engines I want to tactically and strategically control them and lead them to full scale war sieges on enemy cities, fortresses and outposts.
Usual game play I want covert sabotage missions where I infiltrate a base to steal something or assassinate a politician or sabotage something. I would like to blow up trains and bridges and ambush and hijack enemy horse postal couches. I want to use my WOD ships and actually sail it myself and obliterate enemy island fortresses gun points and castles and build a new fortress.

What am I doing instead? Saving turtles. Hop over fences on a horse. Jumping or try to jump on jellyfish. Playing mobile phone games not on my phone BUT IN WOW?? Kill 10 of x, now kill boss y and if you want rare z Oh and collect 10 or 50 or 100 of this crap or that crap. Rinse and repeat for every day and every expansion cause thats all Blizz designers know or can come up with… Apart from the raid progression and a few instances they have 0 creativity when it comes to the actual world content and quests.

I really love my characters and they are the only reason I keep coming back to this game but I find myself that I don’t like any of the content WOW is offering! Almost everything and every quest is dull mundane boring quests for the sole purpose of being a time consuming grind!

There are games out there that offers 0 rewards yet people play them cause they are actually fun! Remove any reward from WOW quests or objectives and see how empty all these zones become. BFA will be DEAD! What is wrong with WOW Designers!?


Don’t know what to say… other than if you don’t like that you’re playing WoW for the sake of something to do, there may be deeper rooted issues than the evolution arc of the game.

If you are no longer playing because you want to, then all you can do is take a break.

No-one said that any game will keep you exactly as enthralled as you were on day one, for the rest of the time it would exist… you may simply have grown out of the game, too.

Nothing to say. Thanks for your reply thought but this is a rant at the designers… which they will most likely never read as we all know they do what ever they want.

Designers dont write text, stories! Designers r are in charge for visual content, design of characters… etc

Writers r for stories, so blame writers xD

Yo Chase, thought I was the only one left in the guild? Oh well if you are gone and I am gone it is officially dead! After playing 8.2 like an addict for a few days doing every quest and every WQ and trying to upgrade my armour I like you just stopped one morning and asked myself wtf am I doing? I am collecting sticky seaweed!? I am trying to kill a weekly water elemental weekly that kills me no matter what I try as I can’t out heal it and it just ignores my demon’s taunts. I also gave those stupid jelly fish hopping a few tries and said f***it! This game is not fun anymore! My friends are gone and everything is linked to RNG which means you have to do stuff over and over and over until you get lucky and some of the stuff you have to wait for a weekly reset?.. OR maybe the problem is we have outgrown the game as it is following exactly same template than 15 + years ago and yes back then we had great fun but some of us players like me and you wants more. Trouble is I don’t think we will ever see better stuff like your naval battles and sailing your own ships etc. or at least in WOW. I don’t think the game engine ancient as it is will allow it. And Activision will give you the same old stuff as long as the wow sub cash cow keeps bringing in the money. They will change WOW into solitaire if they could get away with it. The days of Blizzard or Activision creating cool content for the sake of fun is long gone and it is all about profit margins. My sub expires in Sept '19 but I have stopped playing and deleted the game. Patch 8.2 was the final proof to me that nothing will ever change. Nostalgia or my toons were not enough to keep me hanging. My friends are long gone and now so am I. But LOL hey I discovered my dusty electric guitar and a lot of extra time I never had before! @Blizzard: IF I miss doing chores I will go do the dishes and it’s free!

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