What Is Your Character Hiding? šŸš“

Most of the score she has itā€™s because she has been carried by very good high PUG DPS (since the game doesnā€™t want me to have tier sets) :cry:

I love ya :yellow_heart: GI Jane 2, canā€™t wait to see that :wink:



ā€œWalks menacingly to stageā€


How did one of the best comedians of all time say it?

ā€œWhat does the five fingers say to your face?..SLAPā€

on s serious note, the new video that i sawā€¦ His wife is a bit of an abusing typeā€¦i hope he leaves her, she seems ToxIc af.

Edit: so people get the last part, Will endured a lot of shaming in the last months.
His wife cheated on him and got memed on hard.
I think that slap was not against Chris directly, i think he is just fed up.

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Also the last part reads like a JoJo meme.

ā€œOh ā€¦ You dare approaching meā€

To be continuedā€¦

Will Smith literally slaps a dudeā€¦

ā€œhis wife is abusive!ā€


at least i slap myself not others eh?

Chocolate is life

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(angry nightborne noises)

I didnā€™t want to apologize him.
I just want to say there is a lot of burden behind him which could have led to the situationā€¦

The meme potential behind that slap is just excellent :rofl:


I liked The burning tree


stop hurting me

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my legs under this kilt.
My tail under this cloak.

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He himself is still abusiveā€¦

there is no excuse for how he actedā€¦

no one was controlling him to storm up on stageā€¦

he did that himselfā€¦

then smiled and did a cocky walk afterwards as if he felt it was justified.

Iā€¦ Didnā€™t deny that?

Again i just gave an explanation why he did it maybe? Little bit of context?

Smooth braining much today?

Kotarnus is actually a Lightforged Draenei in disguise. The Horde has more action in it, so he went undercover to get some as well.

(For the Alliance!)

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If anything good came out of this situation, it was definitely the memes xD


This orc wears a joggers nipple protector that looks like a bra.

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Dont worry, weā€™ve all been there at some point :joy:

Actually, Nathanos Blightcaller is my father and Sylvanas Windrunner is my mother ā€¦Iā€™m just kidding.

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