What Is Your Character Hiding? šŸš“

I wear raised insoles to appear higher.

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Iā€™m secretly a void lord disguised as an alliance adventurer gathering information on weaknesses to relay back to my fellow void lords

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The only weakness I see itā€™s your level 23 char :drum: bam dish.

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I feel like it never belonged to me, so to lighten my burden, I will share it with you. Now I can happily forget about it, because I didnā€™t just keep it to myself.




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Donā€™t tell anyoneā€¦but Iā€™m a Dreadlord (and so is Jaina).

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and do not stalk people around xD

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Iā€™m a Troll Priest disguised as an Orc Warrior.

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I played as a frostmage for the Pandaria Challenge dungeons. There, secret is out.


My fishing pole.

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I could make so many dirty jokes about your nameā€¦

Youā€™re forgiven solely based on your hair.

Vulpera need fishing poles? I thought they just dived into the water like the vermin they areā€¦

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Hey SoulDefiler

where is the Orc Shaman Hairyclown?

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No ideaā€¦
In jail presumably.

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hey Starney,i see the angry paladin post his own thread again,you must see it :wink:

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SoMeThInG iS nOt QuItE rIgHt!

Iā€™ll write a referral to have him released immediately. (Or whatever that piece of paper is.) We need him here!

Ooooh, thatā€™s lovely! :relaxed: :two_hearts:

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An illusion, what are you hiding?

Old friend of mine who i still play SF with sent me thisā€¦

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Starla has red hair under her helmet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :woman_red_haired: