What Is Your Character Hiding? šŸš“

I wear xl to hide the gainz

The spell that turns all pizzas into pineapple pizzas. :rofl:


Donā€™t hide it!! SHARE IT!!

I discovered the spell while standing inside the most isolated cave in the game. If I say more the creatures I met there might steal the pineapple. :wink:

An illusion.

im hiding all the secret trust level stuff

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I am nigthborne! but in worgen form

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Thereā€™s no such thing. So this isā€¦

A delusion! Youā€™d better stick to your area of expertise, oh god of diapers.

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I am a boosted tank :man_shrugging:

Intentionally misquoting people is actually flaggable as trolling. Interesting fact.

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Staying vigilant :wave:

Ithā€™nala kanesh

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That my plate armour hides the fact i have no underpants on - there is a legit reason, you should try running in a metal codpiece, its no fun at all

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im trying to hide my frustration for TL3

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