This is the “What is your character wrong about?” thread, not the “What is your character right about?” one.
That’s a thread for a different day and needs some careful phrasing to not become a self congratulatory parade of flaunting how smart your character is for figuring out the shape of the world.
Flat. Duh. And layered, like a cake.
Mith’cha is utterly convinced that (jungle) Trolls are superior and nothing will budge her from that view. Ok so she’s not wrong there.
She thinks the Night Elves use voodoo to shadow meld, thinks the Light is just the Loa and everybody that insists on ‘light this, light that’ is just an idiot. It’s Loa this, Loa that, duh.
She’s all but convinced the moon is a giant door given how some magical pixie Loa keeps popping out from behind it. Though tbh the way the lore goes sometimes she might not be wrong about that in the end, which would be oddly hiliarious.
To this day she doesn’t buy the whole ‘azeroth is a baby titan’ thing, consdering Azerite nothing more than another shiny magic rock / liquid.
To this day she insists Draenei are demons, refusing to recognise the difference between them and actual Eredar. The fact some demons look like them, just redder, and the last war does not help.
Ol’ Shep still believes that 9/11 was an inside job.
Shoving delicious cakes into unwilling mouths… regardless of race or faction. He tried to forcefeed a warlock’s Shivarra once… earned a whip on his bottom for that!
Bahlnorn is of the opinion that any truce or otherwise peace-agreement between The Horde and The Alliance is wrong. As a Knight of The Ebon Blade, he believes that the only way to truly save Azeroth, is for one faction to completely destroy the other; only then can Azeroth enjoy peace.
Obviously, within Acherus he is working alongside Ebon Blades of The Alliance, he respects this because he knows they will do theirs to ensure The Alliance destroys The Horde, while he, by all that is (un)holy, will make sure The Horde eradicates The Alliance.
Regardless of the outcome, Azeroth wins, and postphoning this with a truce is folly.
Furthermore, Marinya believes short lived races struggle insurmountably with grander, long term planning. She’d be quite stunned by the labyrinthine designs of some human nobles.
Typically, a lack of long term perspective plus immediate priorities divided by a brief lifespan would suggest that your species simply bumbles into the next century by the seat of its pants.
There is only the Holy Light and the Naaru. Any other deities (Loa, Celestials, Elune etc) are just extensions of that and are probably just other Naaru being interpreted incorrectly by the other races.
Perrivix believes the Alliance can do no wrong, and that his allied races, at least those that serve in the Alliance, are generally trustworthy and kind hearted people.
Zun’do generally thinks most Alliance races are objectively inferior to many of the Horde races- though he still begrudgingly respects some of them. It’s very much like troll supremacy, except that supremacy extends to (most of) the other Horde races, primarily the stronger ones with shamanistic traditions.
He thinks the spirits universally favour the Horde races, and that Alliance shamans are just a pale imitation that don’t truly connect with the elements. Only exception he makes with this belief is Night Elves, but if you were to ask him about it, he’d no doubt come up with some kind of justification for it.
He generally thinks all, or at least the vast majority of elves are arrogant and haughty, and although he holds some level of respect for them, he’s extremely hesitant to show it because “they already respect themselves more than enough.” He’s quick enough to accept those who prove otherwise- but he will always exclaim these to be exceptions to the rule.
He probably thinks that Naaru, and really anything that other races worship, are just loa that happen to be worshipped by races other than trolls. Which isn’t necessarily wrong in some cases, but still.
… honestly he mostly just has a hell of a lot of ‘racial biases’.
This is true, though. Totally true.
That there are those among the Horde leadership who desire peace. In Pew’s eyes, they’re all warmongering and irredeemable monsters.
Which is fine, mind! Souls for the fel engine have to come from somewhere.
My character has an ego the size of the twisted neither.
Everyone and everything will serve him in time as he will become all powerfull.
He threats people like tools and wont hassitate to destroy.
The fact he is far from the strongest warlock doesnt even occure to him.
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