Gnoll Death Knights…
Gnoll Death Knights…
Dracthyr shaman. I’m still bewildered as to why they cannot be shaman.
can’t work
A fox morphing into a …cat for feral morph?
So you want to morph from a fox to… a fox???
Ethereal or Gnoll Shadow Priest
[Speaking of which, it’s been Datamined of customisable Ethereals in the PTR like those Spider Trolls folk in Azj-Kahet… potential future races? ]
Another vote for Vulpera druid!
Vulpera demon hunter would also be cool.
I doubt it unless people want more races they can’t use mogs on.
human demon hunter
it will be so good.
we have so many demon hunters in movies or games that are human
The issue with mechagnomes and dracthyr mogs definitely weren’t fun
I still can’t play mechagnomes. Shudder
If they do make gnolls they definitely need Vulpera racial mounts…
I think it’s only fair since Vuloera are using Gnoll cousins as mounts.
Human Shaman.
Human Evoker.
Human Shaman should of been put in the game 5 years ago…
More likely than a nightelf becoming a cat or a bear
Gnome druid
Little baby animals looks cute i think
But night elves are not animals, vulps are.
Vrykul Shaman would be sweeeet.
Vrykuls could be an allied race I think. Either they keep on hating humans so they side with the horde, or they seperate from the vrykul that didn’t like humans and join the alliance.
Is my vrykul lore accurate? Something about weak unwanted kids or something. Anyhow, they look cool.
I’m most likely a little crazy, but I really want a Goblin Paladin.
Maybe the mount could be some kind of Light-infused Motorcycle…
KT and night elf paladins.
I levelled one for their heritage and then deleted it and rerolled it during remix