What is your dream race x class combination?

I really hope this doesn’t turn into an argument about allowing the race x class combos but I brace myself!

Which race x class combo are you holding out for? Personally I want paladin everything but the first one is going to be a gnome.


I would love a gnome paladin.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooooooooooo :oncoming_police_car:

This is Warcraft Lore Police Department, Keep your hands on the ground :policewoman:

edit : Puny, you re under arrest ! :elf:


(dark iron) Dwarf druid!

Hot Spicy Beer Bear served

I said no!

Fiery rock bear?

Glowing pet… that’s what it is.

My favorite race/class combo is FOrc Shaman.

The possibilities are endless and they all sound badass. :smiley:

Fire rock cat!
Phoenix travel form!
Melting Rock bear!
Steamy aquatic form!

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Then Blood Elf… Spellbreaker :elf:

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Maybe draenei druid. Or nelf paladin.


undead pally is the only correct answer

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Fel Orc Demon Hunter!

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Voidbringer (VE paladin), with adjusted visuals. :smiley:


A Gnoll Evoker.

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Oh good grief that’s an image and a half…

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Officer, arrest these interlopers. Time to clean the city of these thugs.

In the name of Lore Sanctity, I ban thee from thy realm. Begone, and never return.

Now on topic though… Eredar and Fel Totem Demon Hunters would be monstrous and I’d play one instead of having this otherwise great class locked behind elves I don’t want to play (aaaand it can be sanely justified in the lore too) Eredars have already been given a truce and a second chance within the alliance. Fel Totem could do the same. In the same time, they’re still massively fel empowered and most other races discriminates them… The Illidari though… They know a desperate recruit when they see one.

I wouldn’t say no to Undead Orcs.

If paladins had adjusted visuals depending on their respective race religion it would be pretty sick.

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I’d love Nightborne Druid - it would give me a reason to make a Feral Druid, because I’d be able to run around as an arcane saber.

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Blood (void too i quess) elf shamans.

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Draenei demon hunter, idk if I’d even play one but we definitely need them in the game.