What is your Favourite Warband Feature?

Generally I’m okay with most of it except the part where everything is listed as explored in the Achievement List (and yes I’ve sent an in game suggestion to Blizzard how they can fix this for people DO WANT to explore everything individually on each alt - simply a box to tick in Options and then when you enter a zone you’ve never visited it treats the individual parts of that zone almost like a quest, you explore it all, then receive “Zone Exploration Completed For [insert character name]”)…

Yes, I can explore it but no I cannot track it and I want to track it and achieve it. I only ever use the map toy when I got the bothersome zones left (Ghostlands and such) where I can only ride and I’m not interested in going pvp.

The Warband feature would become better if there are parts of it opt in or opt out. You can freeze leveling by talking to an NPC… why not have another NPC or a selection list in Options to do the same with some of the Warband features. Exploration, use of skyriding or normal riding, Warband Bank where being included is optional for a character are my suggestions. The rest of it I’m okay in general…

I dont see anything different between now and before but different display character lounge …

Warband looks like a scam…

I honestly braced myself for many bank comments considering we’re yet to get to use them :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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They should have standardized tier and made them all into tokens :frowning:

Perfect opportunity for that.

Also a great opportunity to make BoP profession recipes warbound from the older expansions! I was looking forward to that, have nearly a hundred ready.

I love the feature and I just hope they will keep iterating on it.

I am also disappointed at the number of things I could not add today that were from the Legion expansion where they aren’t tokens but drops that are labelled to a specific class. :frowning:

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