What is your Favourite Warband Feature?

What feature is your favourite when it comes to the new Warband feature? Maybe it’s Warbound Gear, Transferrable Currency, Shared Rep & Renown or simply Easier Mog Farming.

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Shared renown probably. Going to be nice not having to grind “as much” Dragonflight content to get most of the recipes on some new crafters that will eventually be released from the MoP: Remix pit.

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Would probably say the banking but not seen it :). On the other hand the worst is on loader were there is just a jumble of characters, pretty bad if you have the same name chars on multiple realms :(.


Not yet implemented.

Once we get account wide rep so all my work on old mains is there on my current main, ill be happy.

But i dont play alts. Sure i have characters i leveled to 30 and then never touched again. But only the 1 charactet i care about.

So warbands are a nothing feature to me atm until the old reps come in to play.

Edit: i guess for now. The character select.
Not the camp fire. Im not a fan of that.
But i like not having to change realm to find a character.


I don’t play alts so most of it is useless to me.

I’d say the Warbank as it’s extra storage space… but that doesn’t work.

So at the moment, nothing.

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Well for now its nice I dont have to grind the rewown at all for my alts.

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My favorite ones are the broken WB bank, and the fact that the account-wide appearance unlocks don’t apply to the most important items I wanted to farm.

Mogs, mogs, mogs, mogs :dress:

Though not being able to mail set specific pieces made me sad and confused.

Not having the quest learning all the appearances is either a bug or later.

I love all of the features regarding our Warbands, but I’d have to say the account wide transmogs for most things is the best aspect.

I can’t wait to check out the warbank once it’s up and running.

Definitely being able to unlock appearances regardless if you can equip it or not [minus the class set restrictions].

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I only have 3 char and they’re all mains of sorts, so the Warband questing is awesome to me as well as the shared progression, I feel like I am playing “One main with three personalities” instead of three separate characters (if that makes sense xD)

Need to wait a bit longer before I can comment, but at the moment, I’d say maybe the mount rider change (apart from the 5 sec CD change)

Transmog but they didn’t go all the way since T1, T2, HFC and Legion all drop the tier directly so the changes are moot. I know they said in the interview with MrGm that “they certainly want to hear player feedback on this” but i’m fairly certain there’s been a ton of feedback on just this specific issue.

same opinion regarding this seems like a half baked idea.

It might be a technical thing but they could possibly tie it to any tier looted when legacy loot is enabled auto unlocks the mog.

It’s a shame about set restrictions, ran Nighthold earlier and half the drops can’t be learnt or sent to another char because they are named class items and not tokens :frowning:

The account bound renown

I’d like to say the Bank, but. :wink:

Seroiously however, the improvement with transmog collection.

By the way, I have not had a chance to check/figure out if we are getting awarded the transmogs for different armor types of quests we have completed in the past?

I sorta… would not want to redo Loremaster. ^^

Easier transmog farming.

I’d say Transferrable Currency is also an amazing feature. I didn’t expect it since I didn’t keep up with the news.

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