What is your opinion of Firelands?

Firelands has been released for three reset weeks now.

What do you make of it?

Which boss fights do you enjoy and which do you not?

What is your overall opinion of this raid?


much fun thank god we have GDKP


I enjoy it, I feel like there are very few nnoying things. I don’t particularly like Ryolith, though

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My opinion:

Much like ICC, Firelands is not living up to its hype.

Alysrazor and Bethilac are just bad boss fights because they split up the raid and prolong the fight unnecessarily. Baleroc makes me cringe as a boss fight. Ragnaros is a challenge but annoying. The remaining bosses are not much of a challenge.

Thoroughly disappointed. At least the LK boss fight in ICC was decent.

Is Dragonsoul any better?

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You’re using your alt account to vote for your own post?
Lol, lmao even.

Epic raid and fast :smiley:

I like the bird boss but only the flying part.

Spider boss is ok, took some time to learn the mechanics, overall it’s a fun fight.

Shannox is meh not too bad not great either.

Rayolith isn’t fun at all , bad design.

Major-domo is long and boring.

2 most challenging bosses on HC are Baleroc and Ragnaros both fights are ok but can be very annoying.


cringe fectory yuck

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I am not overly disappointed. I have always thought to remember that the best fights in the expansion were the earlier ones: BOT and BWD.

  1. I would say the mechanics on their own in Firelands are good.
  2. Firelands didnt deliver what ppl were looking for: a bit of a challenge.
  3. While an effective raid in terms of gearing up,
  4. Loot tables are a bit boring and too many bosses drop identical loot
  5. I just think these 6 bosses is too little to keep the world (of warcraft) busy for the coming 3 months.
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I think it’s fine, if they keep it to 12-14 weeks. Longer than that will be a drag.

Only exceptions is if you are down on either bird or spider, that’s very boring.

I enjoy it. Its the simple stuff that make the game great.

The only thing I’d like to see is the removal of all those GDKP runs. #sorrynotsorry

Ragnaros hc delivers a pretty good challenge if you haven´t done any ptr imo. It actually requires progress for most guilds.

Perfectly hit’s that progression design where boss difficulty scales from easy-medium-hard. Only shame it’s so short.

The only issue is the 2 handed mace on Rag. Everyone I play with is on their 2nd or 3rd Legendary staff and I have only seen the mace drop once…

That mace is the real Legendary of Cata. I think they should buff the drop rate because its kinda stupid everyone and their Mum has the staff but nobody has the mace and its only a Epic.

My opinion on firelands is that i hate playing cata with a wotlk interface! Spread the word! We are not playing cata!

Wut? The interface in mostly from retail. And who is using default interface anyway? Don’t you guys have addons?

I found it boring if being honest, playing 3 characters only and yeah roll on MoP where Locks are fun again.

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Would be more enjoyable without the microstrutters in 25-man.

I really like the raid. Fast enough to be done on one raid evening, but not as boring as Trial of the Crusader. Different mechanics and a challening final Boss. I liked it back in the day and I still like it. Although if the time before Dragon soul is too long, it will get boring quickly.

I got kinda cucked both in game and in real life in Firelands. My previous raiding guild decided to quit Cata and go raid in retail back when TWW was released. So I had to find a new guild quick at the end of T11. Which forced me to reroll to a new class (still healer though) and gear up from scratch.

Firelands release date couldn’t have been worse for me since I had four weeks of travel abroad planned with my partner (basically all of november). Which means I missed the first 4 resets with my new guild. Then I was benched for week 5. So my first Firelands raid was week 6, where we cleared 6/7 with some HC Rag progress. Week 7 we went on a christmas break (which was announced several weeks prior, so no harm done).

So my experience with the raid this time around is very minimal. But with that said, Firelands is how I expected it to be, kinda. Not as good as T11, but still a solid raid. From a healer pov, the only boss I dislike is Alysrazor. If you’re not flying, it mostly fighting adds over and over, which gets boring real quick. It’s basically just zooming around the room with your feathers trying to keep everyone dispelled and topped off. Rest of the bosses I like though, although the damage profile on bosses like Beth’tilac and Shannox can be a bit weird. I also like how there’s specific healer mechanics that you have to understand and execute properly on Baleroc.

Going forward after the holidays, I look forward to progressing more on Rag HC. It definitely feels doable, even though I have only seen the last phase a handful of times with the few pulls I’ve had.