What kind of weapon would you say fits the best

Hello. I dont know if this is the right forum to write in. But sins it have somthing to say about lore I want to ask here.

I know if I wanted to play a melee toon Orcs arn’t using Swords in WoW as common weapon. It is more Axes.

But now my Orc is a Hunter. And I want to ask the community what kind of weapon would you say fits an Orc Hunter best. Bows, Guns or Crossbows?

Pretty much all weapon types are used by Orcs, If you want your Orc to represent a specific Clan I would try go by the Aesthetic of that clan in choosing my weapon:

Burning Blade > Sword, the runed sword from Hellfire Citadel is very fitting

Warsong > Axe, try getting the howling Warsong Axe or Gorehowl

Frostwolf > Axe or even Polearm, some not too “civilized” looking one

Blackrock > Axe (because you can’t use Warhammers as a Hunter), try getting one of the black metal axes

Bleeding Hollow > Axe or Polearm, one with stoneblade if you can find it

Dragonmaw > Polearm with Harpoon look, to catch and subjugate Rylaks/Dragons

laughing Skull > Primitive Stone Axes ,Polearms or swords. Make it look like the Wound would be more of a rip than a cut.

Shattered Hand > everything is fine i think.

Shadowmoon > Staff with a Void-look.

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Pretty much anything works for Orcs, I’d say - in fact i’d say this for any race with a brain intelligent enough to know the pros and cons of every weapon. Heck, I am a huge supporter of Elves with hammers, axes or anything they aren’t romantically seen to be using. A hill I shall proudly die on.

But for your question, Ilayasha puts it right. Though any race should be able to use any weapon competently with enough skill, Orcish clans in particular favour certain weapons with a conventional legend surrounding axes such as from many of their heroic figures.

  • The Warsong for example use the Howling Axe, which is said to be notched with holes along the base of the blade (or on the blade?) itself to ring out a ‘howling cry’ that accompanies the clan’s tendency to sing mighty war chants during battle.

  • The Dragonmaw are well-known Dragonslayers and tamers that often use hooks and long reach weapons to bring down those wyverns that their home has many of.

  • Hell, even the Shattered Hand make good use of sharp tools to the point of ritually ripping their hands off and replacing it with a weapon. (Presumably to honour Kargath? Or the first time the Clan was made through the freedom of Ogre slavery.)

Etc. you have a lot of inspiration to draw from!


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