What melee can destro beat 1 to 1 evenly geared

I having quite a bit of trouble when you end up 1 v1 as a destro against melee, esp WW who can kill you in a stun, warriors who smash your shields and sit on you until dead, rogues in and out of stealth seem very strong now especially their burst, DKS magic shield, dots sit on you until dead,ret pallys dont need an introduction. Even with speed postion , gate mastery, 2 get out of slows, every tom dick and harry can catch you, hows everyone else managing and any tips.

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there isn’t sadly , all you can do is use your soulshards on insta cast and rarely ever bother chaos bolt unless its fear window , best case scenario you keep spamming slow on them and insta cast stuff and apply immolate here and there

PS: tho good news is , in 10.2 we are getting demon armor back !! , backed in demon skin talent which if you put 1 point in it it will give 45% armor and if you put 2 points in it it will give you 90% armor , thats around 8% damage reduction to most melee

PS 2 : notice i mentioned most melees because any melee that use magic damage such as DK / rogue poison / bleed / DH chaos damage / warrior and rogue armor reduction to enemy and so on will hurt you badly still , but most of their physical damage kit will be little bit less painful now next patch

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Thanks for your reply, as affliction I used to be able to kite fairly well, just seems almost impossible to do any meaniful kiting now, hard casting is out, but instants seen to tickle most geared peeps now, and they easily wear you down. Decent WW monk killed me in a stun even after a decent wall.

Yes, nice to see demon armour back, but will it mitigate the enevitable increase in damage. We have excellent absorbs, but as a clothy take a hell alot of damage.

Guess I will have to learn to stay with the pack and especially a healer, or go back to being an aff lock, will using more exhaustion, though seems every dick and arry have a slow as well, or grabbling hook to catch you.

purpleman is kinda easy to shut down, as warrior i eat warlocks. Warrior kinda counters lock though. Being able to remove dark pact with wrecking throw which has a 45s cd really screws locks up since suddenly their only defensive is a wall. Destro has quite solid instant damage but in a 1v1 i can outheal a destro that isnt allowed to cast. I did lose a duel to one destro lock but that was a R1 destro who outplayed me super hard with the rift teleport thing n even then it was a close fight, its worth noting im nowhere near R1 n he still had like 8-10% hp left by the time i died.

Lock seems to do better in teamplay than solo. I know historically affli has been a great duelist but i just dont think thats the case anymore either. Demo pre nerf was quite gross in 1v1 when they just dropped all their PvE stuff n ran in the opposite direction.

While this tip might not be super helpful, just an observation i´ve made. Less experienced locks tends to go into panic mode n desperately try to kite, often resaulting in them burning all their defensives n mobility without actually doing any damage or preasure in return, where as the more experienced locks only kite if they know they can maintain the gap and if they dont think they can they just trade back instead. Even if you wont straight up with the trades it seems better to do something in return as opposed to RP walk in the opposite direction against someone who has 100% uptime either way.

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