What new PvP talents would you like to see?

Which double meele? You still want it vs FDK to ground Chill Streak and vs Turbo not to get hexed on CD. The only thing that comes to my mind is WW/Arms/X.

Nimble brew.
Ancient Mistweaver Arts - removes the GCD on Soothing Mist.

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You are right, grounding is just too good against almost everything.
Then i’d replace skyfury sometimes… uhm maybe idk its just hard to replace lasso/ground/skyfury

actually it would be a cool pvp talent to have in 2v2 now that i think about it

I usually replace Skyfury for GW talent when I play vs 2x meele.

Watch them rewrite the tooltips and call it a refresh well done

Theres alot of rogue talents which need just re-designs…the only ones worth using are the bread and butter choices , the rest are un-interesting, just simply not competitive or are too ineffective in comparison.

Quick Mindness back for warlocks.

I second this.

Combat Readiness could be an interesting option as well given the predominance of WWs and Warriors in the meta. That would be very nice for all specs.

Assa could use Deadly Brew again. Sub … I don’t know, I don’t think any talent could ever be powerful enough to evict Smoke Bomb and Shadowy Duel anyways.

In all honesty I would either remove Death Sentence or make it nerf Dmg of Exec/Condemn by 10/15% so that you can’t just pick it by default. I hate this talent.

I would make fury’s talent Enduring Rage baseline, 100%.
(I would also make Spell reflect baseline for all spec of warrior as it was before, but it may not be the best idea to do that now).

And as a general rule of thumb I wish that mandatory talents such as Sharpen Blades, Smoke Bomb, Swelling Waves, Enduring Rage, Deep Shatter, Shadowy Duel, Dismantle and basically every talent that’s hasn’t been de-slotted for like ever, was made baseline. Blizzard now knows exactly what talents I’m talking about, it’s been 4-5 years since their implementation, just make those baseline.

Silence for disc- pvp talent!

Turbo Fists reworked from parry to 4sec stun

1- Replace sing magic pvp talent from demonology with

‘Imp master’ - while your imp is your current pet your hand of guldan summons an additional imp and your summoned imp now fires 50% slower but fires a volley of three felfire bolts

Why ? Because the talent has great inspiration but fails to address that using an imp as demo seriously hinders both your damage profile and defensive profile via soullink, also the imp ALREADY has a dispell baseline its stupid to pack two dispels but he naked of your best defensive passive. This is directly competitive with pleasure though pain talent which at least provides a damage modification to compensate for loss of felguard when using succubus

2- ‘call fel lord’ redesigned entirely. "Replace demonic tyrant with a fel lord who charges into combat doing large melee damage for 15 seconds, when summoned he inspires other demons around him giving 15% damage buff and extending there duration for 15 seconds

Why? Because it would just be better than Tyrant in this meta, and having fel lord become a melee version of tyrant feels kinda fitting hes a damn general

I’d be extremely happy, if they removed “Cilled To The Bone” from frost mages and add something useful instead.
This piece of crap was taking a place of a pvp talent for more than 5 years now. Seriously, I played a couple of months in Legion, then unsubscribed, then started again a month ago in Shadownlands and I was so pissed when I knew it’s still there and unchanged 5 years after.

Does anybody ever play it? Like seriously, Blizzard should have the statistics of the most frequently used talents, how often CttB gets picked? Like 1 in 10000 players? Shouldn’t it be giving them some hints that it might be bad?

What it could be replaced with – pretty much anything, but I’m guessing that asking for Deep Freeze is too much but modern Blizz standards.

Greater Mortal Strike dealing damage as Greater Pyro in PvE Enviroment.

Arms is pretty garbage for Questing especially in the beginning of an Expansion.

Make PvP Talents usable in Torghast.

WW Monk needs the PvP Talent for Touch of Death baseline. (this talent is a complete joke)

Rogue: Give back Classic Swirley Ball as PvP talent for the trolls.

A new PvP Talent for Brewmaster on a 30-45 sec cd that lets me transfer staggered damage to a Target.

Ring of Piss: Increases the Area of Effect of Ring of Peace by 50%, but also increases its cooldown by 50% or so (would be cool for Battlegrounds and Open World)

Shadowpriest: PvP Talent that reduces the duration of Voidform but when the CD is used, instead of Void Erruption it puts Devouring Plague with a 0,50-0,65 dmg Multiplier on all targets, that would have been hit by Void Erruption.

I played a bit of MAge in BFA and this talent is very good for AoE Farming (PvE)

I want a PvP talent which unprunes my class.

game fixed

What do you mean with Unpruning?

Almost all talents are back or not.

Do you want Rank 1 - Rank 11 or so Power Word Shield back?



giving my class and abilities some depth and making things like disarm double charge (for instance) baseline, giving mage deep back. Bring snapshotting back, give baseline stats such as parry dodge etc back

I dont want to continue because i could go on for 2 more pages

Well if the idea with the Honor talent revamp is that they shake up the talents and introduce something new every Season, then I would like to have a Seasonal theme.

So if the next Season is the Chains of Domination, then they should introduce some Honor talents that are themed around that. Something with chains and control and Jailer stuff.

And then the Season after that is the Cuddle Bear Season and the Chains of Domination stuff is rotated out and in comes some Cuddle Bear themed talents. You know, hugs and love and cuddly talents.

A bit like Mythic+ Dungeons have a unique affix to each Season.

Make PvP Seasons themed around something, instead of just being bland mush all the time.

Something to make hpala have fast holy lights again. Remove holy power