What personality traits does paladins have?

Hello ,

I’m looking for a list of personality traits for Paladin , what’s according to you the main / personality / psychology traits for become a paladin ? For be a member of the silver hand? What skills Uther / Turalyon have ? thanks :slight_smile:

Stoicism comes to mind as the main trait of paladins.


Hypocrisy. :slight_smile:

RP Paladins aren’t real paladins to be honest with you. People often go on about how badly RPed DHs and DKs are but oh man do people do Paladin wrong.

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Oh, I could tell you all about how unrealistic the RP community’s views on race, sexuality, and a whole lot of other political views the actual Warcraft universe has modern understanding of.

But we’d be here all day, and let’s not derail the topic.
On a more serious note, I’d suggest reading through Beyond the Dark Portal (I think that was the one featuring Turalyon prominently, right?) to get some pretty good paladin lore, with how their skills should work lorewise and how they act.

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Oh boy that’s true. For some reason people think all paladins are insufferable do-goodders. But in reality paladins are like onions. Many layers.

I thought ogres are like onions?

Anyway, in what ways do many paladin players get their RP wrong? By identifying what’s wrong, it might be easier to point newer players toward what’s right.

Most seem to make Paladins who don’t seem any different from Xe’ra. And lot of them seem to go full extremist with the whole light ideology.
eg: Martok had a conversation with a belf pala on why he should embrace the light and only the light. Not even the Tauren version incidentally. Followed me around two entire zones asking me to convert lol. Not that he helped kill mobs or heal me… just spamming me to embrace the light…

Gotta admit though its funny in hindsight. But then it was annoying when it was happening


First, every paladin is also an individual. But (speaking about humans here since that’s what your portrait is so assuming you are talking about humans), a strong faith in the holy light and fighting for a good cause, now that means a good cause for them see the scarlet crusade e.g., willpower and tenacity I’d say are common traits for paladins. But I would start in the other end, who was your character before becoming a paladin? Why did they choose that path, did something happen or is Uther or someone a paragon for the character?

On Winds Redemption in BFA Wyrmbane has a conversation with Shaw that can give some input on how a paladin reasons

Master Mathias Shaw says: Tell me, Wyrmbane, how does a paladin come to lead a force of elite soldiers? Shouldn’t you be off consecrating temples or some such?

Halford Wyrmbane says: I served as a knight when the Silver Hand was founded. I was dubious that priestly orders could mix with martial skills, so I remained focused on my combat training.

Halford Wyrmbane says: But the more I observed those first paladins, one in particular inspired me… Turalyon. His faith sustained him, fueled his dedication, and made him a great leader.

Halford Wyrmbane says: When he left with the Alliance Expedition to Outland and was presumed lost, the Light opened my eyes. I realized I could be both a soldier and a paladin. I vowed to honor his sacrifice.

Master Mathias Shaw says: When you learned that Turalyon was alive, did it cause you to question your devotion? Your choices?

Halford Wyrmbane says: Quite the opposite. To witness Turalyon’s return, and to learn how the Light had sustained him, transformed him, only strengthened my resolve. I know my faith was well placed.

Master Mathias Shaw says: Your faith in the Light? Or in Turalyon?

Halford Wyrmbane says: The Light will endure long after we are gone. But when this war is over, what will you be left with, Shaw?


I can only speak for myself, but you’ve gotten some pretty good answers here.

For me, being a paladin is about two main things:

Fighting evil

(not just demons, undead, and other “obvious monsters”;
any form of evil, including those of the my own race).


aiding good innocents who need help.

(Not just the nicely dressed humans with clean faces; a wounded orc or a non-hostile murloc in distress also deserves to be blessed by the Light with any aid I can give.)

…Coincidentally, these two objectives fit quite nicely with … well, just doing quests and fighting hostiles :slight_smile:


Like a valkyr.


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