What professions for Monk? Please Help

So I’ve been levelling Enchanting and Tailoring as I’ve seen that they’re at the top end of professions. I’m quite happy with enchanting because of the gold I can get back and the things that I can enchant now and in the future. But as I was farming materials for Tailoring, I took a moment and looked at the tailoring tab and thought to my self “this is all cloth and I wear leather, so why am I doing tailoring?”.

I was going to switch Tailoring for Leather Working but then that would mean I’d have to switch Enchanting for Skinning right?

Basically I want to keep enchanting, but I also want to create the armour in Leather Working which I would imagine requires the Skinning Profession.

Is there some sort of alternative here or am I doomed?

Sorry for essay but thankyou in advance <3.

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