What pure DPS class is most fun in your opinion?

So, I have ended up a healer on my shaman, a healer on my priest, and a tank on my paladin. I want to just play DPS once in a while so I’m going to gear a pure DPS class (warlock, hunter, rogue, mage), anyone have any recommendations for which one?

What would you say is most fun atm. What is consistently performing well in M+ and also in PvP? I’m thinking about one of the hunter specs atm (not sure which of the three).

I’d quite like it to be an “easy to learn” spec. Something I can just go on, press buttons and get quite good numbers with minimal worrying, I do enough of that as a healer.

Also, being good in PvP is important too me.

Also considering balance druid, and just showing restraint to go guardian/resto for the easy group finds lol.

Monk is pretty fun. Great mobility, very useful CD’s for AoE/Cleave. Also very high tier in PvP, last time I checked.

Also, the fart cloud. Must have!

Fury warrior (gl finding groups though)


Not a pure DPS class, but retribution paladin is a lot of fun to play (raid and M+, no idea about PvP).

  • The rotation feels really smooth.
  • It’s fairly easy to learn and using their abilities in the wrong order isn’t all that punishing.
  • Sounds, graphics, and animations are awesome.
  • Lots of cool utility which lets you protect your party (blessings, strong off-heals, combat rez).

I hear mages have always been doing well when it comes to Mythic+ and raiding. Since you mentioned you’ve been playing as a Resto Shaman, then a Fire Mage might be your cup of tea since although their casts are a bit on the slow side, Fire mages have passives that make some of your stronger spells an insta-cast ability if you land a critical hit. On top of that they have some great tools for survivability such as their fire shield, invisibility and their ice block abilities if you’re about to take some lethal damage.

Mages are the monsters of pure dps like usual

But Warlocks get to laugh as they get invites for their summoning.

For me the most fun pure dps class in probably hunter.

You have the option of switching between ranged and melee specs. You have the entire collecting of pets aspect of the game. And to top it all off you have probably the most chill to play spec in the game in Beastmastery hunter.

Ofc there is currently the issue with hunters not really being all that viable but hopefully Blizzard will eventually get around to giving them some much needed love.

in my opinion rogue is most fun

youre asking cause you seek for new dps ?

Only mage. Hunter, WL and rogue aren’t getting invited often enough, as they lack utility / survivability - or are melee, which is always a disadvanatge. Honestly, I can’t recommend playing anything but tank / heal currently, or just get prepared to spend most of your time waiting / building groups.

You can play 2 specs on the same character you know :slight_smile:

Pick ench shaman off-spec, they are pumping and is a fun spec in general. And start practicing at low keys, just the same way you would be progressing a fresh character. But since you will have higher ilvl to start with - you won’t need to wait ages in LFG, and you can actually play the game :smiley:

Also retri paladin, shadow priest are also increadibly good specs.

But if you insist on having pure dps’er - mage is very good atm.

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