What servers will be available at SoD release?

I’m just wondering if we will be getting the typical PvP, PvE and RP servers for SoD?

I’m personally interested in rolling my first RP character to try and stick with the intended purpose of discovery. Given enough time between updates I could be tempted for a PvP character also just for a change of pace. :slight_smile:


We dont know yet. They said they want as little as possible so it may happen with one PvP and one PvE. We also dont have launch hour given yet as well.


We get two servers one PvE one PvP with layers.

I hope there’ll be a French and a German PvE servers at least

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I doubt it as I think it will be like the SoM release. A couple of PvE realms and 3 or 4 PvP realms. Maybe less.

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