Hey there, been a while since I’ve properly tried to get into the RP scene again, IRL has become rather hectic. After countless walk arounds I haven’t really seen that many guilds looking for people or even making it apparent they want folk to seek them out.
I’m looking for a guild that won’t require me to be on 24/7 as my work time table and days off has become unpredictable at this point and it’s making it difficult to find a lasting community. As for what I am looking for I am open to most concepts but something in the areas of being a Mercenary or Adventurer would hit the spot. I’ve got many concepts for characters I am looking to try so if a guild takes my fancy I’d create that character.
Thanks for the read, looking forward to hearing from folk \o/
You’ve luckily come back to a time where roleplay, especially adventure roleplay, is having a resurgence after the new year, and many guilds are in their recruitment phases.
Guilds I’ve interacted with and are currently recruiting which I can vouch for are:
The Bannerless, https://www.argentarchives.org/node/239321
An adventure guild based around personal character stories.
The Errant https://www.argentarchives.org/node/269328?
A travelling guild that revolves around a strong sense of community.
The Moatsmen https://www.argentarchives.org/node/270845
A mercenary guild based on completing contracts; this one is much larger than the average guild, but has a very friendly community.
The Bloodied Goats https://www.argentarchives.org/node/191957
One of the oldest guilds still active, this is another mercenary guild.
Each of these guilds have a great community around them and can be found active in-game, the officer teams are all welcoming and friendly. Don’t stress about activity; roleplay is in a place right now where few guilds have a strict activity requirement so long as they’re assured that you’re into the concept and willing to contribute whenever you can, because we are all adults with jobs.