What the heck is going on here?

Initially, when one class deals triple the damage compared to the lower-tier ones, it sets a clear direction for the game’s meta. and not in a good way.


introducing engineer items that grant 15 seconds of fear immunity raises questions about the developers’ understanding of game balance. It’s akin to granting every class immunity to stunlocks for 14 seconds; this could significantly disrupt the viability of certain classes like the rogue. Why should warlocks and shadow priests accept such an item in the game?

Yes it makes sense you can farm 500-800 a day in nighmares, but what does that do to the economy?


Get a grip now SOD team.


Yep… absolutely right about everything.
Phase 1 was awesome.
Phase 2 already felt off…
Phase 3 got completely out of hand.
Balance doesn’t exist at all… yes, vanilla was always unbalanced but not to this extent.

Economy is an absolute mess. Yesterday i saw a Hunter solo farming ST with path abusing that had made 46.000 gold in a week… that’s just obscene. If consumables and mats at lvl 50 are more expensive than on Era Servers you know something is really messed up

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Inflated gold from unchecked cheating, botting, and exploiting for half a year has created a problematic scenario. Phase 3 introduces new cards that form a set, which are impossible to obtain through traditional means. Players must resort to the Auction House where prices for these card sets hover around 2000-5000g( depending on what realm you are on) . So swiping is promoted. i want my old game back.


Actually there is an anti stunlock item for even 30 seconds and non engineers can use it. And it’s just around 30 silver on my server. But rogues don’t have to stun, they just press muti 2-3 times.