What time (eu) does early access War within release?

I have found that it is 3 PM PT. Does that mean I can play WW on Thursday 11PM in England? Thanks for your help!


Early access starts on the 22nd at 23:00 in the UK or Midnight for most of mainland EU (so technically 23rd).


Thank you!

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thx god for early access :smiley: im going away for 2 weeks vacation just after regular launch :smiley:

i swear blizz knew when i planned my vacation when they planned this early access :stuck_out_tongue:

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TWW comes out just as I start my work week… :pleading_face:

Yep i’m in the same boat as you, off on the 23rd for a week myself.

August was bad timing for people who work in touristic businesses but …oh well…i will steal 2 hours of sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

Only two hours?
Blizz did not know about my vacation plans and the (early) release really fits nicely in my vacation.
If the early launch goes smooth i am planning an all nighter.
A week later i cannot play, but lets be honest Azeroth will still be there after a week. :smiley: