So, exactly as asked in the title, for a WoW animated show, what part of the WoW story should be done.
For me there are the obvious ones such as:
Arthas and the Wrath of the lich king
War of the Ancients
But I also think some in game events would be cool to see as well, like:
Mists of Pandaria with the faction War
Battle for Azeroth faction conflict
Legion and the broken Isles
Also how would you guys suggest they address the elephant in the room, the players in such scenarios, cause we do play major rolls but they would have to either just pick one or a group of them, or somehow cut us out of the story entirely, what do you think?
A fair point, what would you like to see instead? The War would be cool too, would love to see the primal nature of the druid and the savagery attached to it
My favourite era is Wrath, but we know how it began and how it played out. So personally I’d prefer untold stories from the era, unrelated to the main storyline, seen through the eyes of a someone that wasn’t a famous hero/antihero/villain, but steeped in the things that we love about WoW. That may also help avoid obsessive rants from zealots that feel it offended some obscure piece of canon lore.
I think Talanus and Gilvion have the right idea. Back stories and plots told through the eyes of a regular Joe with a sprinkle of the better known characters. Throw in a bit if political stuff and its all good if the writing is up to scratch
But… But I don’t want an alternative timeline, I like my timeline. A- And what if Gilvion of that timeline isn’t as annoying or as talkative, I wouldn’t know what do with myself, I’d be ruined.
Alternative timelines are almost never a good idea, too sccary, and make people who watch it and aren’t familiar to the lore far too confused, I’d ratherr they get the actual timeline right.
In all honesty for many reasons, if they released a WoW animated series and it had no new lore to gve, I’d be outraged. There is so much unclarified lore that we need in our actual timeline.
If we got a mechanized Warcraft series before an actual one I’m giving up on WoW marketing team, that would bbe the most insensible thing to do.
Now with the tangent over, cool idea and I love the art style.
The things is, with an alternative timeline its gives them pretty much free reign to do almost anything they want. Personally a “What If” type series would be amazing, could have a group stuck in the turbulent timeways, visiting different timelines like what if the black empire beat back the titans, what if the alliance were the horde to draenor, what if gul’dan wasn’t born frail, ect. With each timeline it becomes increasingly harder to survive and make their way back home.
I have a couple of strong feelings about an animated series. Mainly that i do want an animated series based on the warcraft universe but at the same time i don’t want an animated series based on the warcraft videogame.
So essentially something fresh and new that is based on the universe that we know, but that is totally unrelated to the events that we experience as players.