What to do in SOD S3?

40m raid is realistic when there is only 1 boss to kill

Well, that’s exactly how I feel about this. I have 11 days gametime left then bb.
I lvled up a horde mage after i finished the grinds on my main, but I just don’t feel like doing it all over again. I would like to play PvP, but this whole meta is ridiculous. Brainless 1hit fest, u wanna play solo BG good luck, u want to play with premades get bis gear first to get invited. Its simply not fun to run events 0/24, or offering farms 35-40 times/characters. This game is just bad, but of course people are not willing to admit this to themselves, because its WOW we invested too much time in this, we have to play even if it’s bad.

Why not both, i pay cash every month to play this 20 year old game

making it one weeks was the worst decision they could make

Best decision they can make is making it both but blizzard whats to see us suffer always :smiley: